Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Just Us Girls Challenge #729 - CASE a DT Week - To A Wonderful Friend (PFS Wildflower Bouquet) NEED TO ADD TO BLOG


Welcome to Just Us Girls Challenge #729 - CASE a DT Week. We get to create whatever we want and invite you to draw inspiration from one of our cards to create yours. 

A simple card from me, featuring a combination of several companies products: Pinkfresh Studio (wildflower bouquet and sentiment), Pigment Craft Co. (coverplate background), stitched circle die (Prism Studios) and, to tie the florals together, a bow (Alex Syberia Designs).

Looking forward to seeing whose card you'll CASE!

Thank you for dropping by!


Jeanne said...

Oh my goodness, this is beautiful, Carol! Wow! I love the spray of pretty posies against the white background. Thank you so much for sharing!

ElizStewart said...

Carol... just beautiful! I am amazed that I have product from only one of the four companies you used. More it! Thanks for a very inspirational CASE.

Vicki Dutcher said...

So gorgeous! Love the purple

Carol said...

Was that a pun? "To tie it together...the bow" sounds like it to me. And now I need that bow die. Your card is as pretty as can be with the products you chose and those sweet colors. The sentiment is such a pretty font too...may need to go look at that as well! Nice card!

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

What a gorgeous card, Carol. I love all of that luscious white and the pink and purple posies all tied up with that fabulous bow. Absolutely wonderful!!!

Lisa Elton said...

Sigh... this is beautiful, Carol. I love every wonderful detail!

Bobby said...

What a pretty bouquet, Carol, and that bow is fantastic. You made all those company's products worked together in such a wonderful way.

Sue VanDeVusse said...

Absolutely stunning! I love your florals tied together with that awesome bow arranged around the edge of the circle and that background was the perfect choice for this beauty!

Carol Cel said...

this is absolutely gorgeous -- intricate yet simple. Love it!