Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Just Us Girls Challenge #727 - Moodboard Week - Cosmos Birthday Wishes (Spellbinders Cosmos)


Welcome to Just Us Girls Challenge #727, where our lovely hostess, Carol Mc, has selected this fabulous summery mood board as inspiration this week. Images, colours, the beachy/travel/adventure many ways to interpret one, two or all of these photos.
Once again, we're delighted to have Jenny Martin joining us as our May Guest Designer.

Maps, beach/water images, bikes (my Honey Bee set has gone missing!) aren't in my collection or aren't 'favourites' calling to be used - so I played with colours, specifically the aqua/teal of the beach scene and the sunset/rise of the sailboat photo. Of course, given I'm completely besotted with the Spellbinders Cosmos background, that became the vehicle for my colours...

Yes, I'm an outlier in the group with my take on this challenge, but that's okay. Remember: mood boards are about more than 'just' the photos...

Looking forward to seeing your creativity in the gallery.

Thank you for dropping by!


Jeanne said...

Beautiful card. Great selection of colors to represent the color palette! I really like your take on this challenge. :)

Carol said...

Your colors couldn't be more perfect Carol! Those flowers are so well done, both Betterpress and stenciling, and I am glad you showed our followers that you can take the colors and run with them! Fab card my friend!

ElizStewart said...

Carol... your card is just perfect! Wow... I really do love the effects of brings your card to another level. Just beautiful! Just invested in the Gina K foiler (no plates needed)... hoping to play with it soon.

Vicki Dutcher said...

Great inspired card I love how you picked out the colors. well done

Celeste Goff said...

What an absolutely beautiful and feminine card! Love how you used the colors from the mood board so perfectly!

Bobby said...

I love your take on the mood board, Carol. It shows our followers that you don't have to take the photos literally. I love the two-toned look of your flowers and leaves. So pretty!

Lisa Elton said...

You played with those colors beautifully, Carol! I adore this marvelous card!

My Paper Epiphany said...

Stunning card! Beautiful colours!

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

I LOVE that you used the colors and strayed from the beach theme. Love your out of the box take. It is absolutely gorgeous. I feel a purchase coming on...