Oh, time whizzes by! A week ago we were packing to head to Bend, and now, in an eye's blink, we're packing to head home. Sad face X 1,000! On the plus side, despite *whew, super sweaty* conditions for today's race, my husband finished 11th overall in his racing category. Happy face X 1,000. I guess, in the grand scheme, things balance out, although I'll still wish a few more days in Bend!
To stave off thinking about leaving, I made a card, mainly to play with a new pap of paper: My Mind's Eye All Spice. Because seeing the patterns/colours is a bit difficult given my amateur photograpy, here's the image:

Pretty, rather subdued colours - and they worked quite well with one of the new colour palettes: white, light and dark blue, green and coral/pink). The yellow is a bit of a 'sneak in,' based on the pattern I selected for the side strip, but I decided was okay, since it adds a bit of 'perk' to the card. Sketch choice is #3, with inspiration credit going to Pamela Ho's Day 3 card.
Nothing inside yet (something I want to work on over the next while...maybe)...
Tomorrow's travel plan: drive north for 12 hours and (fingers crossed all will be well) arrive at my husband's parents' home in Kelowna for a visit, before heading home on Wednesday. The "mobile craft unit" may be taking it easy for a couple days, but I'll aim to find time to 'stroll and comment' in Blog-land.
Thanks for dropping by; please let me know you did! Your comments add sparkle to my day!
Another A+ card. You are taking so much away from your class! I love how you've used the little butterflies on this. Very sweet. Have a great time at your folks house too. Hope it's cooler by you now. It's humid as heck here...Congrats to hubby for placing so high! Drive safe. Bev
WHAT??? You're already leaving??? Time really does fly!
I'm so glad you had a great time-- and that you had an order of PS stamps arrive while visiting! That's awesome!!! I love happy mail!
And congrats to your husband! HOOOOOORAY for 11th place! That's amazing!!!
Your card is fabulous-- I LOVE this pad of paper! I refuse to cut into some of these papers because they are soooooooo gorgeous! You've inspired me to make something with it soon! LOVE!!!
Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my blog!! You always make my day! I love love love hearing from you!!!
Hope you have a safe trip home!!! HUGS!!! love, Sav
Super awesome fabulous finish...of the race...and the card!!! Huge congrats to Andy on placing 11th! In that calibre, and in that heat, that is something to celebrate and be so proud of for sure!!! And you should celebrate and be proud of your dashing card too! You just have such a knack picking out patterned paper beauties! I am just in love with the look of slicing off a bit from the top panel, revealing the strip of complimenting patterned paper on the back. It just adds something extra special to the card!!!
Safe travels home! I hear there won't be much escape from the heat in Kelowna :( I am so ready for fall!!! xo
Congratulations to your hubby on his successful finish! What a fantastic accomplishment! :)
That paper pad is really lovely, isn't it? It's hard to cut into them sometimes when they are so pretty but it is great that you did. Your card is wonderful. I love how the patterned paper peeks out from the back. The butterflies just pop off the page. I LOVE that "thanks" stamp from Paper Smooches...think I am going to have to get it!! You're a bad influence. ;)
Safe travelling! :)
Wow - another long drive ahead of you...but a nice visit awaits! You two have been on one heck of a road trip! I bet you have had a blast! Congrats to Andy on his awesome placing! He must have ridden like the wind!
You've done it again Carol! Your natural talent for color selection has once again paired up beautifully subtle colors that support the GOR-GEE-OUS designer paper! I love how you placed one butterfly above the letters - it really give "Thanks" a whole lot of pop!
Stunning creation dear friend! Enjoy your visit with Andy's family :)
Well, hubby certainly did well in the races--congrats! Come back soon & let's figure out a way to meet. Have a safe & uneventful trip home, my friend. Your card is just darling--love those butterflies!
Super adorable card, Carol! I can't believe what great crafting you accomplished while in Bend and congratulations to Andy for the impressive 11th place! Hope you had a wonderful visit with Andy's folks and you are home safe and sound!!
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