Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tickled Pink...CAS(E) #15

I had a different plan in mind for CAS(E) this Sketch #15 - and then, I read this post yesterday, from Shannon, at Chuchee Chu.  She had me blinking away tears, happy dancing and all-around blushing from her kind words and promotion of my blog, my 'fledgling journey' into this dynamic card-making community.  For those of you who have seen Shannon's cards, and have been the recipients of her thoughtful, heart-warming comments, you'll know she's infused with the Biggest. Heart. Ever.  If you don't yet know her - go.  Now.  Her cards are charming; her posts engaging; her personality a day-brightener and smile-maker.  Delightful she is...delightful.  I'll also echo the essence of her post:  this community of sharing and caring, of embracing and encouraging, of supporting and nurturing - be we novices or experts - is...well, awesome!  Thank you for welcoming me into your midst, and for giving me motivation to carry on stamping, snipping, sticking...growing!

So, with CAS(E) this Sketch as my inspiration pattern

and Shannon's graciousness as my inspiration "subject", here is my card:

The sentiment says it all! 

My stamps are a random purchase - a set of little images that I had completely forgotten about until yesterday.  I stamped first on white cardstock (really - my background IS white. Photography + me = 'on again/off again relationship), then again on some My Mind's Eye paper, paper-piecing with various patterns of 'pink.'  Here's a close up of my "artistic attempts".  

To all of you - and especially Shannon - THANK YOU!  I'm tickled pink to be here, learning from, and sharing with, you!


Connie said...

Wonderful work!!

Jen W. said...

Fabulous paper piecing on your sweet sweet card Thanks for playing along with CAS(E) This Sketch this week!

Shannon J said...

Awwwwwwwww - talk about blinking back tears!!! I am just speechless. You have the most incredible way of making someone feel so, SO special. Your sweet, kind words mean more than you know. And all the kind words you have for me, I send back to you - ten fold. I truly hope you know what a difference the time you take to send your beautifully thought out words makes. I wish I had to the gift and the articulation to express even more just how wonderful you are! Seriously!! THANK YOU! Thank you for being YOU! I think I need to go find some kleenex!

And your card - as beautiful as you are - that's saying a lot!

Thank you Carol - you are one of a kind and a treasured friend :)

Paper Playdate said...

Beautiful card- great job with the paper piecing! Thanks for playing along with us at CAS(E) this Sketch!