
Thursday, September 1, 2022

Color Hues Challenge #48~Navy and Lime Green....Have A Magical Birthday Mermaid


Color Hues is turning TWO - how quickly time has flown - and we, along with the team at Seize the Birthday, are having a CELEBRATION

The best part: You're invited to party along with us!

Here's what you need to bring:

a birthday card that features the colour hues - navy and lime green - chosen by Sheri.

I've brought my pretty MCT mermaid and waves out for this special event, as she's already dolled up with her glamourous hair style! Lime and navy mirror stock for the die cuts. The lime doesn't really show in a 'normal' photo, so I've added a second as proof that yes, this is definitely lime! The navy looks brighter than it is in real life but but it's full-on navy. Shimmer, sheeny paper; so pretty but a challenge to get accurate in photos. 

After you link up your card for this challenge, head over to Seize the Birthday and Link up there as well!  Each Challenge blog will pick its own Winners! 

Looking forward to a gallery filled with  navy and lime green  birthday cards!

Thank you for dropping by!


  1. Terrific card, Carol! I like the shimmery waves!

  2. Such an unusual design Carol, your rocked the colour combination. Your mermaid scales reminds me of my daughter's new bathroom tiles! :)

  3. Oooh, so shiny and sparkly, just like the water in the ocean. Wonderful card, Carol!!

  4. Such a fun card! My granddaughters would LOVE this sparkly mermaid! Love the die you used for the ocean and using sequins for bubbles was such a great idea!

  5. Perfect card for these challenges. I love the use of the metallic card stock even if it is hard to photograph. You did a wonderful job. Thanks for linking up with us at Seize the Birthday collaboration with Color hues.

  6. Carol, I had no doubt that your card was in fact lime! I have that background die and not sure I have used it more than once! I am going to have to dig it out for an under-the-sea feature! Awesome job my friend!

  7. Love that you included that second photo. I have a love/hate relationship with shimmery cards and photography. LOL! Very fun!

  8. These elements look so cool in the mirrored card stock! I love the way you used the waves on the top corners. This is a fabulous card, Carol!

  9. Very fun card! I love the mirrored card stock! Fab card, Carol!
