
Friday, September 17, 2021

Inkspirational Challenge 248~Retro...Cassette Tape Birthday Mix


Welcome to Inkspirational Challenge #248, where our word prompt is Retro. 

Not even going to pretend: I struggled with this challenge because understanding of the difference between retro and vintage isn't crystal-clear! And to think I was an English teacher!  EGADS! At any rate, after by-passing what likely *is* a piece of retro Christmas images, I opted to play with my long-ago-purchased Mix Tape set from Concord & 9th. Even though - as I discovered in 'researching' of cassettes - they're making a comeback (or, as one site put it, they're 'back in the loop'), in my view, they're still a throwback to the groovy days of when I was younger...much much younger! 

Please check out my teammates' much better takes on Retro than mine, then play along with us!

Thank you for dropping by!


  1. I think you did great with the retro idea. Mix tapes were a thing in the 80s right? If they were any earlier, than it'd be antique. In any case, you created a really fun card that harkens back to some fun times before the onslaught of cell phones and social media. How funny to hear that cassettes are coming back into the loop.

  2. It's a really great choice for the theme, I might be a few decades too early with my choice, but I was inspred by the clothes and styles of some shops nearby which have retro in their name or shop description.
    Seeing your card I immediately though of the pyjamas I had bought for one of my nephews about 5 years ago, its print was of cassette tapes and players, and he really liked it. He said the print was cool, but I had to explain to him that is what I used to listen to music when I was his age.
    Your card will bring back fond memories, at least if you're 40+.

  3. I think your cassette card is great and perfectly fits the retro theme.

  4. Cassettes are making a comeback? I gave all mine away, along with the player. Your rendition of tapes make a very retro card, Carol.

  5. I *get* why vinyl is making a comeback, but cassettes? WHY??? Hahaha. Meanwhile... this card is awesomely retro in its theme!
