
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Three Amigos...CAS(E) this Sketch #134, As You See It #98


I'm not packed and nowhere near ready to head off to visit my family...but that's purely by design. I like the 'last minute' excitement of scrambling about; besides, my husband is rarely on time, need to rush. Yet.  Check with me in an hour though, and quite a different story will emerge. Wonder what I'll forget this time...

Anyway, I have two cards today, to introduce you to my newest pets: Mama Elephant's Three Amigos.  I resisted their cuteness as long as I could, however, when opportunity presented to bring them home, I caved. They really are adorable!

First up is Mr. Fox, with this trio of balloons, who was inspired by Alice's DT card for CAS(E) this Sketch #134

I gave him a 'dotted' little green meadow to sit in and some dotted blue sky to surround him, which is my version of the 'circular' elements of the sketch.  His balloons and Celebrate sentiment are from Clearly Besotted.

Second is Mr. Raccoon, with his birthday celebration note, inspired by As You See It #98

He's nestled on some stenciled leaves and in addition to his top hat and heart, he's sporting a celebrate sentiment from Poppy Stamps. Oh...and he's in the forest...a birch tree forest. Hopefully, these cards will make a couple of my niece's or nephew's friends smile....

Okay, that's it from me.  I'm not taking a full mobile crafting unit this trip - just a few little items - so best get those organized.  Hope the thunderstorms forecast for this afternoon go away. Far away! Driving in thunder and lightning...eek!

Thanks so much for dropping by; your visit and comments add sparkle to my day!


  1. Ohh loved both your cards.. so cuteee..

  2. ADORABLE. Love those sweet critters!

  3. Those critters are very cute - no wonder you couldn't resist them! And the cards you made with them made my heart melt! Awww!
    I am also a last-minute-girl! I work best under pressure. At least that's what I tell myself... But it might just be a poor excuse...
    Hope you have a safe trip!

  4. Oh, I LOVE your new pets - and they won't need any feeding or cleaning up - although they do LOVE to get your attention, don't they? Stinkin' cute cards!!!!!

  5. Cute little critters and wonderful showcased on each card :)

  6. So stinkin' cute!!!! Love how you grounded Mr. Fox with a nice meadow of green grasses and some pretty blue sky! Mr. Raccoon is definitely going to melt someone's heart when they see this card! What's really cool is how the embossed background mimics the sponged leaves.

    Enjoy your visit with your family! Sure do hope the weather ciioerates! Saw the hail in Calgary! Yikes! Brady & Jeremy have been biking in BC (Top of the World trail - yikes and now Squamish area) so missed the winter weather!

  7. Cuteness overload....they are irresistible. Have fun with the fam.
    hugs Asha

  8. Two amazingly cute cards! Love these!

  9. Adorable little critters! I love your backgrounds as well. Thanks for taking the time to play with us at As You See It Challenges this week!

  10. I hope your travels are safe and the thunderstorms stayed away. Adorable little critters. No wonder you couldn't resist. I really like how you interpret the challenges. Your dotted meadow on the first card is so clever! And birch forest on the second is great. You colored your images wonderfully. They definitely brought a smile to my face! I'm sure your recipients will adore them. Have a wonderful time with your family! Big hugs!!

  11. How cute is that fox! He makes me smile -- Have a fun family visit~

  12. Awwww those are just precious Carol!! I love that stamp set too, but have not "caved" yet! haha! I love your stenciled backgrounds, and the embossing on the second one is perfect! I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip! ((Hugs))

  13. These are gorgeous, Carol! Love how you've used the STAMPlorations grunge stamp for the background on the first card, and the bamboo background on the second one is perfect! Enjoy your trip - hope the thunderstorms didn't get you!

  14. Love your cute Mr Raccoon, Carol ...he is just soooo adorable!!!! Lovely bgs you've got him sitting on!!! Two very sweet cards!!!
    Have fun with the family - hope those thunderstorms stay away!!!!
    Have a great day!!!!

  15. You have totally made me fall in love with these little buds all over again! Fantastic CTS card, c... thanks for sharing!
    =] Michele

  16. Oh my, your ME critters are adorable, Carol! Love your take on both sketches, and how you colored these cute little guys!
    Have fun visiting your family...I hope the weather behaves for your travels, too :)

  17. Two amazing cards...just love them both! Your critters are as sweet as can be and your coloring is fabulous!

  18. Two more great cards! You're inspiring me to play more challenges Carol! The background your little raccoon is on is amazing - love all the detail it adds and your beautiful coloring. And the dotted background for the other little guy is clever. Makes him grounded and adds so much color!

  19. Those animals are indeed cuties, Carol, and the backgrounds you have created for them are terrific! Have fun with the family!

  20. Cute! Cute! And beautifully made.

  21. Both cards are fabulous! The stamp set is so adorable, isn't it! I am loving your colouring too. :)

  22. Cute, cute, and more cute!! I love this set, but haven't mastered coloring them as nicely as you have...yet. You've inspired me to break them out (soon) and see what I can do with them. Hope you're having fun with the family, and we'll "see" you when you get back! Miss you. Bev

  23. Both super cute cards! I love the jaunty little top hat. Adorbs! Thanks for playing along with the AYSI Challenge this week! I hope you'll join us this week - the new challenge (a color challenge) is already up this morning!

  24. Oh, I love how you used the Three Amigos set! Adorable cards!

  25. So adorable!! Love the different backgrounds on each of these!! Reminds me i have this set and i haven't used it yet! (shocking, i know. hehe!) I hope you have a great time with family!!

  26. cute cute cuteee
    I love them both
    cute critter
    and cute card
    Love your post Miss C

  27. So glad you purchased these, I love them too but don't have them. So will live vicariously thru you as you put them on all your cards!! Love the way you added the ultra subtle detail on the green and blue behind one of the critters on your first card. Is that a stamp?? Perfect for CASE this sketch. And your second card is a vision with that gorgeous embossing in the background. I hope your trip went (or is still) going well and you packed properly for all weathers and craft emergencies!!

  28. C - what a perfect duo of cards using your new Three Amigos!! Awesomely done and they are both surrounded by just the right details that make them the star of the show!! Excellent and so very cool are the backgrounds you added for each and you have just amazed me and made me smile with these two!! Since I am so late at commenting it is possible you are already home from your visit - if so I hope you had a great time!! And if you are still there - then I hope you are having a great time!! Love and hugs to YOU!!!

  29. These are both such cutie patooties, Carol ... your detailing to make them shine is fabulous! Looking forward to seeing the third amigo! Hugs, Anita :)

  30. Sweet cards, Carol! Love the layers on the second one!
