
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Happy and Thanks Butterflies...Addicted to CAS #62~Black, White and Gold, So Suzy Stamps May Challenge~Thanks, TPE #297~Thanks/Appreciation


Let me start by saying this: my brother and sister-in-law went to a Neil Diamond concert, Tuesday evening. #greenwithenvy #iloveneildiamond #sweetcarolineisawesome  Okay, that's out of my system!

Bet you'll have Sweet Caroline humming through your mind for the rest of the day...and maybe Cracklin' Rosie, too...and you may even be tempted to do a Youtube search to see him perform... I recommend his BBC 1971 Concert.  Just sayin' *grin*

Anyway, enough on swooning over Neil Diamond!  Two cards heading into three challenges.

Inspiration from Addicted to CAS #62~Black, White and Gold


and The Pink Elephant #297~Thanks/Appreciation

BUTTERFLIES are back!  Yayyyy...


NOTE;  Honoured and thrilled to be sharing the winner's circle over at The Pink Elephant!  THANK YOU ever so much.

Okay, my little break is done...back to data-dealing and humming..."Sweet Car-o-line...dah dah dah...good times never felt so good..."

Thanks so much for dropping by; your visit and comments add sparkle to my day!



  1. First and foremost - love these gorgeous cards... the butterflies? Spectac-ulous! Where did you get that second one again? I've not played at ATC... hmmm love the gold and black and NEIL DIAMOND!!!!???? Go way back to when you were in nappies to hear my fave Neil tune: "I am, I said"

  2. Awesome butterflies, Carol! Love those big sentiments with them! So glad you shared at ATCAS!

  3. Love these cards! The big winnie & walter sentiments look fantastic with your butterflies. I just got my Painted Butterflies today. Can't wait to play.

  4. If I have to have an ear worm, which I now do, I'm happy to have it be anything by Neil Diamond! Two more addictively beautiful butterfly creations from you, Carol! Thank you for that, too!! Enjoy your day, humming and singing! Hugs, Darnell

  5. GORgeous card Carol! I have wondered how to use those butterflies for cards, and then you go and make this awesome card. I am feeling a mojo moment coming and I don't even have time for it...bugger, bugger.

  6. Be still, my heart with these two GORGEOUS cards, Carol! You are the 'Queen' of the butterfly images and once again you've created the most incredible cards! I love how you played with this color combo and your sentiments are sheer perfection! I'm so happy you've decided to play along with us this week at ATCAS!
    Neil Diamond? I didn't realize he was still it was a fun concert! I'll try 'not' to hum his songs for the rest of the day, but it probably won't work :)

  7. So I read your post about 1 1/2 hours ago, got busy at work and couldn't comment then (shhhhh!) but have been humming 'Cracklin Rosie' ever since...and will likely continue well into the evening!

    Two more beauties that have my heart 'a flutter'. Adore the first card - love the subtle colors! The 'ka-splooshed' background stamp is the perfect backdrop for the detailed butterfly stamp on your second card - matchy/matchy kind of style.

  8. Oh look at you and all of your butterflies! They are gorgeous! I love the stylized ones and the realistic one! Both lovely in such different ways! I went to a Neil Diamond concert years ago. I wasn't a huge fan, but my then hubby was. After I left, I changed my mind! It was amazing! ((Hugs))

  9. Two beautiful cards...butterflies and all!

  10. LOVE your always do such amazing things with butterflies and these are no exception!

  11. Beautiful butterfly cards! I love both of them but the first is my favorite. I love the whimsical look of them! Thanks for sharing with us at ATCAS. :)

  12. Song sung blue, everybody knows one. And everybody knows your're the butterfly stamping queen, Carol. Two more beauties you've created for us to drool over.

  13. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Love your butterflies! So elegant. That second butterfly is really, really pretty even in just black! Thanks so much for playing along at ATCAS xx

  14. Carol, you never fail to amaze me! Your cards are beyond beautiful and it always makes me happy to see what gorgeous pieces of art you come up with! Hugs!!!

  15. Oh Carol. you butterfly queen of the universe, you.... both cards are beautiful. You made me buy some W&W stash because of all those gorgeous sentiments you've been using. And I too would love to know where that second butterfly image comes from? Beautiful work, as always.

  16. My mom's favorite singer of all time was Neil Diamond. The first concert I ever went to was Neil Diamond. I grew up listening to Neil Diamond. Wow! Yes, I have those songs running through my head now and I am smiling. Thanks for that quick trip down memory lane. Oh and your cards are fantastic! Love the artsy look of the butterflies on the first card and the CAS of the one on the second. Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  17. Wow, they are very beautiful!

    Love and hugs

  18. Carol these are stunning. Thanks for entering the So Suzy Stamps Challenge and good luck xxx

  19. Darn you!! :) I'm going to have Sweet Caroline running through my head for days!! Dah-dah-dah!! :) LOVE your pretty butterfly cards. Perfect for gold and black ... as butterflies must be the most elegant creature on earth! Thanks for playing along at ATCAS. xx

  20. These cards are just beautiful, Carol! I was lucky enough to go to a Neil Diamond concert years ago--it was wonderful & worth getting to bed way late on a work night!

  21. Gorgeous butterflies, Carol ... simply lovely! A Neil Diamond concert ... how awesome that your brother and sil got to go ... humming ... singing! Hugs, Anita :)

  22. Love the gold butterflies. Thanks for playing along with ATCAS this week, Rebecca x

  23. Adore the first card - such wonderful butterfly images and they frame the sentiment fabulously. Lovely stand alone butterfly on the second.

  24. both are FABULOUS
    I cant choose
    I love the frist one with yellow color so romantic Miss C
    and swooning at the second card
    its a big and beautiful stamp of butterfly
    also now I decided what I love hehehe (LOL)

  25. I totally grew up with the music of Neil Diamond filling the halls of my home - Yes, it was awesome!! My favorites will always be Cracklin' Rosie and Forever in Blue Jeans!!! So thank you for putting his music in my head today - love it!! As for your delightful cards - what gorgeousness you have created with this color scheme and your butterflies!! Love your talent and how it just shows on Evey card you create!! You are a master card maker!! Thank you for the inspiration - I usually follow you into challenges so thanks for that!!!! You are awesome - never forget it!!!

  26. I totally grew up with the music of Neil Diamond filling the halls of my home - Yes, it was awesome!! My favorites will always be Cracklin' Rosie and Forever in Blue Jeans!!! So thank you for putting his music in my head today - love it!! As for your delightful cards - what gorgeousness you have created with this color scheme and your butterflies!! Love your talent and how it just shows on Evey card you create!! You are a master card maker!! Thank you for the inspiration - I usually follow you into challenges so thanks for that!!!! You are awesome - never forget it!!!

  27. Congrats on the win!!! I love the butterflies, both cards are soooo awesome!!!

  28. Ohh, shall we discuss how many Neil Diamond songs are now playing in my head simultaneously? ;)
    Love the cards - thank you for joining us over at So Suzy Stamps!

  29. I just love butterfly cards. These came out beautifully. Thanks for sharing with us over at So Suzy Stamps.

    I have blog candy and one of the prizes is a So Suzy Stamp GC. Come by if you have a chance.
    ♥ Monica
    DT Member for So Suzy Stamps!
    My personal Blog - Taylormadecards4u
