
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

HLS Birthday Challenge August 2022~Anything Goes....Happy Birthday Kitty (Missees Pet Collection)


Welcome to the NEW Birthday Challenge over at Happy Little Stampers that replaces the previous CAS challenge. This change opens up more opportunities, especially since the theme is always *Anything Goes*.  Wildly cheering this decision by our fabulous leader, Kylie!

My card, featuring the cute cat from the Missees Pets collection, was inspired by Lien, from Idea into Reality. Her card using Missees products are absolutely fabulous; I couldn't resist CASE-ing her (as I've often done). You can see Lien's card here.

Hope to see your birthday cards filling up the gallery!

Thank you for dropping by!


  1. Oh this is so sweet, Carol. That kitty is just so cute and I love the hearts floating around it. Wonderful card.

  2. such a sweet card, love the pop of color with your black and white
    Barb Housner
