
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

HLS November 2021 CAS Challenge~Loveable Pets...Lily Card!


Welcome to Happy Little Stampers November 2021 CAS Challenge, where our theme is the most adorable one yet: Loveable Pets! Guaranteed the gallery will overflow with cuteness!

My most loveable pet x infinity is our sweet miniature schnauzer, Lily, who turned three (where did the time go?) on November 1st. Why go with a stamp when a photo of my 'real' precious girl is so adorable (and yes, I am a very biased-furbaby mom!). 

That's it from me; looking forward to seeing how *Loveable Pets* inspires you!

Thank you for dropping by!


  1. Awwww, she is absolutely adorable and it's no wonder you are in love with her. Cute card!

  2. I can't imagine any other way you could have approached this challenge! Especially with a birthday coming up! <3
