
Friday, March 8, 2019

You're Stuck With Me...Just Us Girls Challenge #478~Trend Week


Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday. Reminder, for those who 'change the clocks' that we're "springing ahead" early Sunday morning. An hour less sleep; an hour 'more' daylight.  I don't mind the trade off *grin*

Welcome to Just Us Girls Challenge #478~Trend Week, where our lovely Bobby invites us to use a Background Stamp on our cards/projects. 
Our March guest designer is fabulously talented Greta Hess; please visit her, as well as my teammates - Sue, Angie, Vicki, Ina, Bobby, Nancy, Lisa and Maria - who would love to know you dropped by.

Finally a change to use the Concord & 9th To the Point turnabout, made super easy (I even used 8 different inks...yayyy me) with the accompanying template and jig.  I LOVE those sweet succulents! So much fun! I'm in cacti heaven!

Over to you...

Looking forward to a gallery filled with an array of amazing background stamping!

Thank you for dropping by!


  1. Eight colors? Wow! It looks amazing! I'll have to remember that the next time I can get inky with my turnabouts!

  2. Those backgrounds are fantastic! I've looked at the turn-a-bout stamps, but never made the leap, but this just may push me to make the purchase. Love how you paired them with the cactus and great sentiments on the pots.

  3. What fun card, Carol, and maybe just as fun to make? I think they would be and the sentiments only add to that fun.

  4. These are great! Must be time to get my turnabout stamps out for a play!

  5. Super fun stamped background! Total Arizona card :)

  6. Oh what fun these are, Carol! Love how you can really change the look by changing colors!

  7. So much fun, Carol ... whimsical, cheery and deliciously colourful! Hugs, Anita :)

  8. Super cool card Carol. Love it!

  9. Oh I love this! I have this set and haven't used it yet. Yours is so cool! Great way to cover a background with the TAB sets!
