
Sunday, December 10, 2017

UNIKO Studio Designs~December 2017 SNEAK PEEKS (Day 1)


Today, I'm delighted to be joining lovely Bev and the Uniko Studio team with a Day 1 sneak peek of December's fabulous (and dare I say, quite *Spring-themed *grin*) new release. A little 'something different' from the plethora of Christmas images that surround us...

First: Spring Botanicals - according to Be, botanical imagery of all styles is set to be a big trend for 2018 so I suspect this will be the first of more to come (hint, hint *grin*)

Second: DOTS!! Big, lovely dots!

Third: a trio of terrific stencils....

Please dash over to the Uniko blog HERE where you'll find all details about the schedule, dates for introductions along with the BIG reveal, release and traditional blog hop GIVEAWAY! 
I hope you'll come back to visit over the next few days as we reveal and introduce the new sets.

Thank you for dropping by!