
Saturday, October 28, 2017

Reveal of My Brand-Spanking New Blog...Thanks and Thanks (plus two more)!!...Where Creativity Meets C9 Challenge #14~Shades of Concord & 9th


Yes, I'm being  effervescent in my greeting today, because I'm over-the-moon ecstatic to share the reveal of my brand-spanking new blog!  Colourful (that header...swoon) crisp, clean (and will be more so, once I do a bit more tidying up.  I. LOVE. THIS. NEW. LOOK!

Full credit for this jazzy, snazzy update goes to sweet Loll, from Stamping with Loll fame, whose technological super powers and keen eye for design made it happen. Her ideas, her expertise, her creativity...lead to this and I couldn't be more thrilled!


I've made a Thanks card (two actually) inspired by Where Creativity Meets C9 Challenge #14~Shades of Concord & 9th to express my gratitude to you for sharing your talents - and patience - with me!

Thanks Turnabout stamps and dies getting a work out...

Oh...and I have two more to add to the challenge!  Triangle Turnabout *finally* receiving some inking. This version uses all four turns...

and this, only one.  Hard to see, but my butterfly is a deep teal and the beautiful, a deep shimmery blue...

Hope my new blog catches your eye as much as it does mine! Playing here will be even MORE fun!

So glad you dropped by; your visit brings me joy!

Oh...and check out my new blog signature. Makes me happy!!


  1. Great cards and great blog look!!

  2. You're most welcome Carol! I.LOVE.YOUR.NEW.LOOK too!! That header is swoon-worthy! Fun working with you. xx

  3. Wow! what shall I look at first!...your fantastic eye catching blog? or your beautiful cards? All are have traveled so far since you first encouraged me to enter challenges...something that of late has fallen by the wayside due to personal things to deal with thus resulting in a lack of time...but oh how I enjoy peeking at all your wonderful creations. Hugs as always and a big pat on the back...take bow. xx

  4. Very classy ms. c. lovely colors, and isn't that Loll just incredible?
    Your cards are pretty awesome, too, my friend!

  5. That is one lovely swoosh of color across the top of your page, Carol. Kudos to Loll for making it and the signature for you. Your thank you cards and your use of the turnabouts are wonderful in their many shades of blue.

  6. Oh my - the blog header is GORGEOUS!!! Fantastic! and Totally perfect for YOU!!! Loll rocked it. You rock. All fabulous. Including your four cards. Love the colors, the designs. And what would a big important post from you be without a butterfly card... Love it all.

  7. WOW - that header - getting header envy! So cool! Big congrats and big admiration to Loll! And that array of beautiful cards to go along with it - what an eye-candy!

  8. Congrats on the new blog makeover, how fun! I love it! Your four cards are fabulous, too! Enjoy your blog and happy stamping!

  9. Love the new look and your cards are beautiful. I can feel your excitement and I know you are so proud of the new look. Have a great Sunday!

  10. So fun to have a new header--very pretty & modern! One of these days I need to get one, too. I was just looking at the triangles stamp & you're really making me want to get it! Lovely cards, Carol!

  11. Congratulations Carol on your new Clean and Crisp Blog design. I LOVE your modern and artsy new banner!! I agree, Loll is amazingly talented and so patient when helping you redesign a blog...I know because she designed my blog and seemed to know exactly what I wanted when even I did not know:-)

    I love all your thank you cards too. TFS your happy news and beautiful blog! Hugs...

  12. Oh my goodness! Your header is gorgeous! That Loll has so many talents! Wow! And I think your signature is fabulous as well. Enjoy! Your cards are terrific as well. I think the turnabout stamps are so darn clever and you chose some lovely colors to showcase yours. The butterfly die cut is gorgeous. All around wonderful work to show off your new digs! Your excitement shines brightly, as it should. Have a happy day! :) Hugs!

  13. Awesome header! Love your signature too! Loll is the best 😊

  14. Love your new blog design and signature, Carol! Loll is so talented!

  15. Love your cards and how well the blog header shows your classy, clean style too!

  16. LOVE the blog - how wonderfully eye-catching your banner is - and so clean and fresh!! The cards too! I don't have any of those Turnabouts and I am clearly missing out. You've shown them off beautifully!

  17. Oh my, that amazing Loll did it again! The new look of your blog is simply fantastic! Adore the colorful, graphic, and modern blog header! And your sweet signature!
    Your cards are fabulous, too! And just as graphic and modern!

  18. I knew Lolly had gotten her artistic genius hands on your blog the moment I saw it, Carol! It is so bright and cheerful and colorful and gorgeous, just like you!! Oh, and your cards are pretty darn awesome, too!! Hugs, Darnell

  19. Congrats on a bright and beautiful new look here on the blog. And I love all your C9 logo color creations. My typography loving soul really like that turnaround thanks creation a lot!

  20. Your new blog look is so cool and stylish, Carol ... all crisp and fresh and delicious! Gorgeous cards ... those turnabout backgrounds are fantastic in every version! Hugs, Anita :)

  21. Your blog looks amazing! As do all of these cards, and each are just perfect for the challenge. Thanks for playing along!
