
Friday, April 7, 2017

Some Bunny Pom Pom Tag...Tag, You're It Challenge #69


Welcome to Tag, You're It Challenge #69, where immensely talented Joyce, from Cards By the Sea fame, has this fantastic pompom-sporting gem as inspiration.

Guest Featured Artist

Also joining in the 'fluffy fun' is our guest designer Lisa Elton

Wild antics (ie. rolling-on-the-floor with laughter) when you see my tag are *not* allowed (you will have to stifle yourselves...guaranteed). Snickers, giggling and pointing, eye-ball rolling...those are fine and likely can't be helped.  You see, I've never made a pompom you can tell...Hahahahaha..sorry, Broke my own rules....

Just for the record: no bunnies (Uniko Some Bunny) were hurt in creating this tag; wool, entirely different story!  Not. My. Fault!  I'm just pompom pathetic!  Even though I turned to several videos to help me out, the task  My pompom (isn't that a fun word! I think I'll use it repetitively, because it makes me smile!.  Pompom! 'decorative ball of fluff' (to be technical about it) started off the size of a cereal bowl. I 'may' have used the wrong type of yarn - it's sort of stretchy (here's the back story...I bought this 'new born baby' pastel hat kit before my nephew was born and prior to knowing he was a boy.  I followed the instructions to a 't'...and let's just say the finished hat was a far cry from newborn sized! It fit my sister-in-law perfectly! I think she still wears it on occasion.).   Anyway, after doing umpteen wraps, and the 'knotting' thing, I proceeded to cut, as instructed. I should have taken a photo of the original...and entered it into Darnell's Boo-Boo challenge! Alas, didn't think of it (I was laughing too hard...or maybe I was crying....).  Anyway, the videos said not to be afraid of 'trimming your pompom down to size' trim I did. A lot of trimming.  Here's the bowl of left-overs squashed down so as to fit...

And here's my bunny, with his pompom, nestled in the soft wooliness...

Okay....enough from me! A lot of babble for a first-time pompom.  I love Joyce's tag: inspiration is obvious and oh, such fun to try something new!  Oh, and the full sentiment reads: Some bunny loves you! Giving this to my niece and nephew on a basket of Easter treats when next I see them....

Please head over to see the fantastic tags designed by our featured and guest designers, as well as my team-mates. You'll be impressed (as contrasted to 'eye-brow raised amused' after having seen mine):

Please join us with your tag inspired by Joyce's. Pompoms not required...but it would be super fun if you did. Besides, if I can make a pompom (sort of...), you most certainly can!

See you in the gallery!

Thank you so much for dropping in; your visit brings me joy!


  1. The pompom looks fab!! Great tag indeed and very adorable!! :)
    Suchi xx

  2. Oh, you are funny! My first Pom Pom was far too big for me to use, so I opted to try again and saw a tutorial where you use a fork. Yeah... that worked out great... NOT. But the idea was there in principle, and not wanting to be defeated (my tag for this challenge was going to have a Pom Pom on it even if it took me all night...) I dug out an old French Knitting Doll that I still had and wrapped the yarn around the metal prongs of that instead. But the yarn for tying 'round the middle broke (maybe I pulled too hard?) so I dug out my big needle (not quite sure how, when or why I have one of these as sewing is not an activity I enjoy. I personally think of it as some form of medieval torture... but that's another story)... and tied it with cotton thread instead.
    So from one victorious winner to another (we did the Pom Pom challenge and survived it)... a very big 'Well Done'.
    I also think the word 'Pom Pom' is fantabulous which is why I keep giving it nice big capital letters.
    Your tag, btw... super, super sweet. x

  3. Pom pom tiddly pom pom pom make me smile! used to make loads of these as a kid with card i boast to be the owner of a plastic pom pom maker!!....but don't make them now! No babies to make pom poms for! Anyway i love your tag and pom pom and however you created it you got the result in the end! Very pastel and pretty. xx

  4. Your pastel colored pompom is perfect for your bunny! This is so cute!

  5. Oh this is too cute, Carol, and your pompom story is hilarious!

  6. Ohhhhh, this is just too darn cute!

  7. My mother tried. She really did. I can cast on, but that's as far as my knitting goes. I can do the crochet stitch, but nothing else with a crochet hook. I can sew a teensy bit, but more often than not, I race the machine, get frustrated, and rip the fabric up. Pompoms?? Oh my... I stunk back in the day (mom: "Bev, make me a pompom for this hat that I've knit in the last 10 minutes..."), and never quite mastered them. Yours looks pretty good for a first-ish try. Way better than any of mine ever did! And it looks great paired with the bunny, too! You're a brave soul, and did very well, my friend. I'm proud of you!!! Have a great weekend. Bev

  8. Your pompom is so FLUFFY!! What a wonderful Easter tag, Carol, that bunny is adorable!

  9. Oh Carol, thank you for sharing your delightful story. I was giggling as I've been there, done that for sure. I have several of those pom-pom makers and yours without using one looks better than mine ever did with using one! You are better than you think at this challenge. :) Your tag is adorable. I love your pom pom. Too bad you didn't have a big bunny image and could use this as his tail! :) Hugs! Happy weekend to you!

  10. Oh, what a funny story about your pom pom. I loved it, love the adorable bunny and your appropriately trimmed pom pom. Such a fun tag, and glad I inspired you to have some fun. I must admit also that I had quite a few fails as I was figuring out my pom pom strategy, as I have actually made about 2 dozen hats and pom pom tags for packaging. I finally ended up ordering a couple of pom pom makers from Amazon in various sizes--they were cheap and made the whole pom pom process much easier. I agree--pom pom is fun to say....also to make, toss, and tie on to things.

  11. I don't think I every made a pom pom and admire you for being a good sport and making one! It looks fluffy and pretty and nobody has to know that you trimmed half off! ;) The bunny looks proud of it!

  12. I am pompom challenged too Carol! lol But I am thinking your pompom is looking fabulous! So soft looking, makes me want to reach out and give it a squeeze!! lol I love that sweet bunny you used too. He is so sweet looking sitting on your tag with that fluffy pompom. Yep, I'm loving it! Hugs, Brenda

  13. I think your pompom looks perfectly fine, Carol, and trimming is usually a necessity. The color of yarn is perfect with your darling little bunny.

  14. Simply adorable! Loving that fluffy pompom too. Hugs Bev x
