
Friday, August 5, 2016

Sweet Succulent...Tag, You're It Challenge #53 (Featured Artist:Michele Ferguson)

Hello and welcome to Tag, You're It Challenge #53, where our Featured Artist is our sweet, talented, popular, amazing Michele Ferguson from icardeveryone fame.

Guest Featured Artist 

Such a pretty bookmark tag, isn't it? Long and lean, polka-dot embossed, hosting a lovely floral arrangement and a little 'surprise' on the second tag!  You must check it out! Delicate and classy! 

I'll wait here while you visit Michele's tag, Lin's tag (our talented GD) and my team-mates's tags, to see their marvelous translations la la la...

Guest Designer, Lin Brandyberry

You're back...and dazzled right?  Right!  So much pretty to be found all in one spot.

No doubt you also noticed (and were, perhaps a bit bewildered, as a result), that all the tags featured charming flowers in some fashion. Except for mine.  Because my floral arranging abilities are mightily miniscule, as is my collection of little floral images, I adapted....

Please say hello to my cute cactus in a pot (My Favourite Things) that is - shock and amazement - watercoloured with my Zig markers.  We finally, finally had a bonding  moment *grin*

My translation reflects Michele's in having:
  • a key image as the star of the stage (with little flowers, even), 
  • similar colours, 
  • polka-dots - behind the cactus they're stenciled with Delicata Ink gold and embossed on the second
  • no sentiment, and
  • double .tags.
Yes, a bit of a departure in some ways, but fingers crossed you see the relationship (distant cousins, perhaps?).  My sweet succulent makes me smile; hope it has the same effect on you.  Now, I need to find a real cactus to attach it to, and give someone a gift....

Your turn!  How will Michele's tag inspire you?
Looking forward to seeing your artistry in the Tag, You're It gallery!

Thank you for spending part of your day with me; your visit brings me joy!


  1. If our visits bring you joy, imagine the joy I have in my heart with this darling tag! c... you're the sweetest! I'm missing you! xx

  2. Hello cute cactus in a pot! I'm glad to hear you and your Ziggys are getting along now. You sure made something adorable together!

  3. Oooh, I really like Michelle's tag and I adore your take on it (and I'm not a fan of cacti). Your coloring is splendid! I adore the polka dots and that embossing on the second tag. I am always so impressed at your ability to adapt with what you have. I need to take some lessons from you, my friend. Big hugs!! :)

  4. I love that you took this in a new direction Carol - the cactus is colored beautifully and your photo is wonderful!

  5. I love your tag! The coloring is perfect and who doesn't love succulents?!

  6. Oh, this is so sweet & fun, Carol!

  7. So adorable, your little tag! I love cacti!

  8. An absolutely wonderful tag, Carol. I love your sweet cactus... awesome coloring job. Love the gold stenciled dots. Altogether fabulous.

  9. Cute as can be Carol! That cactus is coloured so perfectly!

  10. What a wonderful tag, Carol! I love your cactus and those gold dots that show it off beautifully!

  11. I love you bright, vibrant little cactus. So pretty :)

  12. Just spent plenty of happy moments browsing through your last few weeks of posts and glorious cards, Carol ... what a treat! So much delicious inspiration ... from fabulous MFT Camp Create all the way through to those GD spots (congratulations on designing with Uniko, JUGs and STAMPlorations!) ... and all creations in between! Sorry, not possible for me to comment on all of them ... you'd be waiting till Christmas for me to catch up!! Hugs, Anita :)

  13. Loving this tag you Ziggy ROCK STAR you!! Who would have thought it would take a cactus to bring you two together : ) Perfect coloring!! and I really love your take on this challenge! You did Michelle proud!

    Have a great weekend!!


  14. That Michele is very inspiring that is for sure and she sure can dazzle as well!!! I love your take on her tags. I think Cactus are flowers too, I mean you buy them in the flower section, right? They get flowers on them, right?!! So that equals flowers to me! I love your pot of cactus and I love your coloring with your Zigs. You are ways better than me with them that is for sure!! Hugs, Brenda

  15. Super cute tag, Carol! Love that cactus!

  16. Glad you're enjoying your Zigs now, Carol! Great tag!

  17. You totally underestimate yourself, Carol. Your Zig coloring on the darling cactus is wonderful.
