
Friday, April 1, 2016

Just Because...April Fool's Day My Big Fat Boo Boo

Hello and Happy April!

Today, our wonderfully witty, hilarious and talented Darnell is hostessing the first 24-hour's only April Fool's Day Boo Boo Hop, where our oopsie-boopsie cards are the stars of the stage.  Brilliant, right? And talk about fun!!

While I typically feed my epic failures to my ravenous and portly Mr. Recycle Bin, a few cards have managed to 'squeak' past my vigilant eye, particularly those in my earlier days of crafting.  One that holds a special memory is this little number. I know...what *was* I thinking when I created that!! We won't discuss my rather feeble attempts at paper-pairing, or the odd-ball embossed panel or the loopy hearts or the *gasp* dreadful bows...

A lot of boo-boos already, right...but added to the tally is that it opened backwards and upside down.  Yep...and I didn't realize my error until I brought it - all rather proud of myself, I dare add - to my mom's, to show her how snazzy-dazzy my card-making was becoming.  Embarrassing!! My sister-in-law - mom to the highlights-of-my-life niece and nephew - happened to be visiting at the time, so the three of us had a great old guffaw at my 'design innovation.'  I fully intended to trash the creature before I left, but...I forgot...

Imagine my surprise when, about 2 months later, this VERY card landed in my mailbox.  My sweet sister-in-law had rescued the poor thing, turned it upside down (or would that be 'right side up? Whatever the case, she figured it out.) and wrote a note that melted my heart and brought tears of immense joy to my eyes.

Little did I know that my 'backwards and upside down and loopy-doopy card' would become this special treasure...

that, since it's arrival, has been pinned on my bulletin board in the kitchen, just to the right of my laptop, where I can see it Every. Single. Day.  (BTW: the 'bathing the boy' she makes reference to is this big old cloth doll my mom made.  When my niece was younger, we gave that doll 'pretend' baths  over and over and over...)

Here's how the card looks when you read the note inside...a bit of 'mental gymnastics' required!!

Love this 'booby' card...and especially LOVE my sister-in-law for seeing some 'magic' in it!

Okay, 'nuff from me...I'm off to hop to see what other beautiful blunders await at Darnell's place!  Hope you're enticed to bring one of your oopsies to the gallery!

Thank you for spending time with me today; your visit brings me immense joy!


  1. How very special this boo boo has turned out! I LOVE that your family turned it into a treasure for all of you.

  2. Awwwww!!!! This whoopsie-doodle card has become a treasure. It brought tears to my eyes!!! From caterpillar to butterfly in one heartbeat. I love this and don't care if it's a booboo or not!! Bev

  3. What a precious "boo boo" it just goes to show that everything has a purpose! if you had not made this mistake you would not have this treasure to keep!! : ) Kind of make me emotional! You are blessed friend!


  4. What a lovely story and yes, I think all of us have probably done it! I have many many times, I usually just cut the card front off and stick it correct side up on to another card blank . . . job done! TFS! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  5. Ohhh! That brought tears to my eyes! :) I miss my nieces and nephews so much. It sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with yours. :) Thanks for sharing.

  6. OMG this is such a tear jerker!! A wonderful story and regardless of its orientation..a wonderful and treasured keepsake! xx

  7. Well, what a wonderful way to end a boo boo story. I am glad you have such a lovely reminder of the love you showed and the love in which it was received.

  8. Aww I love it, and what a heartfelt message in your card that you will now never ever throw in the recycle!

  9. I liked your card (it has however been established that I have no taste, at least where fashion is concerned!). Love the story behind or should I say inside the card. Cara x

  10. I love everything about this Carol~esp the regifting. What a smile your family brings~just like you! You are a blessing and blessed to live a life where even blunders shine through loving moments. Thank you for sharing this treasure~

  11. The beginnings are always difficult. I know something about it. Well, that card so beautifully you reminds and shrugs.

  12. Aww...What a true treasure! This is so sweet! Thanks for sharing! Happy Friday! :)

  13. Well I am glad you forgot to throw it away! I happen to think it is a very cute card en-spite of it being upside down and backwards. And I can bet you that we have all done this in our early years of card making! Heck I did it with layouts, one side would be upside down! But what makes this card even more special is your sweet notes from your SIL. Awww, I was teary eyed myself reading it! How much more special can you get?! It was perfect just like your sweet little card. Hugs, Brenda

  14. This is absolutely the best story. Thanks for sharing your boo boo and the sentiment. Melted my heart!

  15. Hehe.... I kind have the upside down thingy before too, wonder if those magic adhesive eraser I just found out doing the hop could save that? : )

  16. What a wonderfully precious story! I love the blooper and love the way your family played on the wonky design in their sweet letter. I am moved to tears by this incredible story. TFS!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  17. Just amazing! :-) I like the story about your upside down card. Fantastic.

  18. Thanks for sharing your special upside down/wrong way round card. What a wonderful family :)

  19. I just LOVE this card and the story behind it! I've often placed card fronts wrong so they open up like a puzzle, but the hand-written diagonal upside down hand-written note inside made this a treasured item to cherish (and chuckle over) through the years! Thanks for sharing it all - I'm humbled!!

  20. Loved this sweet, sweet story. We all have those boo-boos we've made and later laugh about them. TFS

  21. Now this is awesome!!! Love that all you hard work was so treasured!!!

  22. Oh your SIL is a gem! How very sweet of her to rescue and 're-do' your boo boo!

  23. Even more than your card I enjoyed the story that came with it! It seems that your SIL is as sweet and as thoughtful as you are! Thank you so much for sharing!

  24. When I said I wanted to see those cards that make us cock our heads, this isn't what I had in mind, Carol, but that was the sweetest head-cocking exercise I've EVER done! Your brother certainly had good taste in women when he chose your SIL, she of the beautiful gratitude prose and the mother of the two apples of your eyes!! As far as sharing this card for Big Fat Boo Boo purposes, it made me smile for that reason, too! I think we've all had these "proud" moments! I can just picture the three of you laughing until the tears ran down your legs!! You'll have to tell them how it ended up as the star of your blog post today. No one saw that coming, bwahaha! Happy April Fool's Day, my friend, and thank you for playing in my first BFCBB Hop!! Hugs, Darnell

  25. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons! What a wonderful heartwarming twist on the whole boo-boo card idea. Couldn't have happened to a nicer gal. Thank you so much for sharing something so loving and personal. No wonder it's a favorite card now. I think you are the star of this blog hop! Big hugs!!

  26. What a fabulous way of turning a boo boo card into a treasure! What a nice family you have :)

  27. So nice to know that I'm not alone in the 'oh's backwards' department! Just came from Shirley Bampton's blog...yep, she is also in our club!

    Great post! Warmed my heart and made me smile all over my face!

    BTW - I love the DP hearts - the paper is awesome!

  28. So fabulous that your oopsie daisy upside down card turned into such a special treasure, Carol ... it's so lovely that those sweet children feel just the same about you as you do about them ... that's priceless! Hugs, Anita :)

  29. Love this boo boo card Carol....very special

  30. It's amazing and I can see why it was made so very special by the sweet note you received in. Goes to show that even our boo-boo cards can be treasured by those who receive them because they know they were special too. Enjoyed this post very much, and just became your newest follower! Looking forward to making a new card friend. Happy wkend. TFS

  31. That's so sweet of your SIL to send such a beautiful message & make this card a special memento rather than a major boo boo!

  32. I love, love, love this! I love how you still used your boo boo card and that you shared such a wonderful and kind message on the inside. I've made this same boo boo only to laugh and find a way to peel the top slowly off and switch it around, but I love what you've done here and may have to rethink this next time it happens.

  33. What a gorgeous story and a lovely way to turn a boo-boo round into something very special

  34. GREAT story behind the card!!! TFS :) You are loved indeed <3

  35. Well, the whole thing turned out perfect... thanks for sharing this story! I love stuff like this! Ahh, knucklehead mistakes and supportive families... what a great combo!

  36. Awww. I must say, that your cards have improved in sophistication since this card. But, I am laughing because this is exactly the sort of design I started with at the beginning as well. A little bit of--hey, I have a bunch of supplies and know a few techniques, so lets put them all together into the same card! I wish I had saved some of mine.

  37. Talk about 'getting behind'!!! I'm so glad I stopped here to see this fabulous post, Carol! It's hard to believe that you created this card, but I can definitely "Feel the LOVE" you have for your family...and the love they have for you! Priceless!!!

  38. I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes as I type this comment. This is such a treasure to have...Thank you so much for sharing.

  39. Oh, my, how wonderful that your boo-boo card turned out to be such a treasure, Carol!!! I so enjoyed your story - it really touched me - clearly you are such a special aunt and the kiddo's love your soooooo much!!!! How wonderful of you to share this special card!!!!

  40. I can understand why this card is so precious to you, Carol. Bless your sister-in-law for pointing out how special you are.

  41. tee hee hee. What a great story!

  42. Oh, what a touching story, Carol! I love how your sister-in-law re-gifted the card to you with such a lovely message! Definitely one to treasure :)

  43. Wow--what a wonderful family you have, Carol--a lifetime treasure!
