
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

TAG! I'm *IT*! Round 2...Just Us Girls: One Layer Project with a Winter Theme


It's minus 27C (-17F) which means it's flippin' cold. My car doors wouldn't shut properly this morning, because the latches were frozen, so although my drive is short, images of tumbling out the door and landing in a snow bank kept me rather sketched out. Actually, that happened to my cousin years and years ago, back when we were kids and when seat belts weren't mandatory...driving with my Grandpa on a wintry evening, when suddenly the back door flew open and out went my cousin, into a fluffy snowdrift.  My poor Grandpa..We just picked her up, dusted off her snow suit, got back in the car and drove back to the farm, as though nothing happened. Too funny...well, it is now.   Anyway, I digress...

In my excitement to create - for the first time ever I believe - a one-layer project, inspired by the Just Us Girls challenge,
I  failed to read the part about "winter theme."  Gahhh!    I'm on a 70 tags-to-make mission for my sister-in-law - working with bunches of 10 to keep me amused and entertained while doing so. I had batch 2 alllll figured out...and allllll done....and then I realized, after taking the photos and opening up the JUGS site, I kinda-sorta didn't focus on the winter theme as much as I should have.  Still, some of my one-layer tags (and another confession, technically they're not tags "yet".. rather post-cards meant to be turned into tags...), do have teesny weensy snippets of a 'winter' theme. I convincing anyone?

Okay, Just Us Girls team: if I'm totally off base, let me know and I'll scuttle out of here. If the Christmas trees in the stamps of 6 "tags" fit the challenge, thank you!!

Anyway...freezing temperatures apparently have me more addled than usual.  Here's Round 2 of my tags:

Thanks so much for dropping by; your visit and comments make my day!


  1. These fit the challenge just fine! Christmas time is in the winter months so it's all good! Great job and good luck at getting them all done! Thanks for joining us at JUGS this week!

  2. These are fabulous!!! So loving these tags, post cards, no matter how you slice it, they're great!!


  3. It's wha wha wha what degrees?!!! Oh man, I guess I should stop complaining about how faaareeezing it is here (-1!). You poor thing. I know it wasn't funny at the time, but I sure did LOL over your cousin flipping out of the car, and how casually she was put back in the car like it was no event at all! Oh how times have changed!!! Love these sweet little posties! Totally winter themed, I might add :) With sweet little images in the stamps, and happy holiday greetings, I think you've met the criteria, and then some!!! Love 'em!!! STAY WARM!!!

  4. Your covered with the pine tree in my mind ;) Love the post cards you made adn they are in Christmasy colours so I think you are good to go!

    Brrrrrr is it cold out there!! We are whimpering about -6 at nigiht here, mind you it is a damp cold that goes right to your bones. What a story about your cousing flying out the door - yikes!

  5. These are so cute, Carol! And I thought it was cold here--but my car doors still work OK! Stay warm, my friend!

  6. What a fun idea! I LOVE it...super postal friendly too!

    -17 and you actually leave the comforts of your warm home? Um, is that safe? This from the girl in washington state that had snow on the windshield the other day...I had to have my boy go back into the house for a spatula so he could scrape the snow off :)

  7. Yikes! That IS cold - we haven't gotten the cold here yet - I'm not complaining - but I'm sure we will have it soon enough! These 1-layer cards/tags are great! Good luck with your 70 tags! That's a lot of stamping!

  8. How super fun! I just love these postcards! Glad your cousin is OK! Admittedly it made me chuckle. :) Amy makes me laugh too!

  9. Oh my... -17!!!!!! Gosh,i wouldn't leave the house anymore!! And i used to live in Alaska!! haha But can't remember the winter time anymore.I was to little when we moved away.Only been there in the Summer time the last few times.
    I love your postcards...beautiful way to use MCT goodies!! :)
    And by the way,i would NEVER get tired of your comments!!! They always bring a huge smile on my face! Thank you so much for that!!! :) :)

  10. Love the post cards! I think with the pine trees and red and green, you are safe. Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls!

  11. These post-cards-about-to-be-tags are wonderful, Carol ... fab colours and sooo cute! Stay warm in that cold cold cold! Anita :)

  12. oh my these are so cute and I love those stitched lines.. totally fabulous..

  13. These are fabulous. Love the postcard theme for tags, so clever and cute! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and your sweet comment, means so much to me!

  14. Girl....these are sooooo cool! AGAIN!!!

    Seriously, your ideas are so inspiring! I can 100% guarantee you that there will be a whole lot of folks (me included), who will be CASEing your projects once again! Works for me - you do the work, I copy! Love it.

    Keep it up....because I have tons more tags to make! :) :) :)

    Stinkin' cold here too, but not as much snow as you had out your way!

  15. Such fun projects!! I love the stitching around the edge...super cold days in winter is the perfect time to craft :)

  16. You are just about the sweetest ever!!! Yes.... I applied for the RIC DT...

    And yeah, it is cold here, but NOWHERE that cold...Eeeeeekk. Can you say hypothermia?! Take it easy Carol!!!

  17. Your post cards are so cute and fun! Thanks for joining us at JUGS!

  18. LOL~you. are. a. hoot Carol! Your poor cousin! Love your one layers~lovely design!
