
Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving...My Creative Time: Designer Challenge ~ Pumpkin

Long weekend! Hoorayyy!   Canadian Thanksgiving: double hoorayyy!!!  We have an early start tomorrow - 5:00am - heading north, first to be officials at a bike race, then carrying on to my parents' place. I am stoked!  Haven't seen everyone since early September, when I dropped my husband off for the Tour of Alberta event. so I can only imagine how much my darling niece and nephew have grown!  One most excited Aunty C here!!  My mom will be serving Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, so we'll have a chance to see the whole clan, minus my brother, who's off on a 'boy-bonding' weekend with his buddies to Moab.   I'll miss seeing him - especially since my 'baby brother' turns 40 today (he's 14 years younger than I am, but as of today, we are one decade part, rather than the two decades yesterday) - but we're back again next weekend, so perhaps our paths will cross.

Packing awaits (layers of clothes, since I'm 100% positive the air will be crisp at the race we'll be at), so I'll quickly share the cards I made for my next-door-at-work Educational Assistants.  Thanksgiving theme paired with pumpkins, which means they're off to My Creative Time Designer Challenge.   Actually, nearly everything on my card is MCT...

Here is a set of two...

 a trio...

and all five together...

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian readers!!!  

Thanks so much for dropping by; your visit and comments add sparkle to my day.

Oh yes: my trio of 'tween' cards from last weekend: thank you to everyone who commented! Talk about buoying my spirits!  And the 'positive energy' worked wonderfully: Marion loved all I gave them to her.  I'm tickled pink!!


  1. Fabulous colours, Carol ... love the bright pumpkins against the subtle backgrounds! Happy Thanksgiving, my friend ... and happy and safe travelling! Anita :)

  2. I knew Marion wouldn't have been able to choose one from those three cards! You're so kind for letting her have them all :)

    Another set of super cute cards! I can't decide which is my favourite...maybe the one with the chevron paper or the black and white floral 'doily'...hmm, maybe just all of them! Those pumpkins are too adorable!

    I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving weekend and get to catch up with you little brother on the next wave! ;)

  3. Fantastic cards Carol! Hey, you lucky gal~saw your name drawn for some Verve goodness...yay for you friend!!! ;)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend! Have a wonderful time--no way not to, I know! Your cards are terrific & I'm sure will be treasured. Can you believe we both were drawn for CAS-ual Fridays?--yah! So glad the tween cards were a success.

  5. There is no way Marion would have been able to decide - no surprise at all that she wanted all three! They were seriously awesome!! And so are these babies! I'm super in love with the one with the doily! Your cards are so FAB and I am inspired every time I come for a visit!!
    Have an awesome race, and more importantly, and an AWESOME visit with your fam!!! And HAPPY THANKSGIVING to your and your whole family!!!
    I promise, promise I will write soon - I have somehow, inexplicably gotten myself behind! (I don't know how that is even possible considering my life of leisure!!!)

  6. Nice job! Isn't that Doily Die the BEST?!? Thanks for joining us in the My Creative Time ~ Designer Challenge. :)

  7. Hope you're having a wonderful holiday weekend!

    What wonderful cards...I super love fall inspired goodness!!!

  8. Beautiful cards! Thanks so much for visiting me for the Halloween Inspiration Hop. Your visit and comments mean so much to me. Have a fabulous day!!


  9. Happy Thanksgiving, Carol, to you and the family! I hope you are enjoying your time together!! I've enjoyed catching up with you, busy girl, and seeing all your wonderful creations!! Hugs, Darnell

  10. Happy Thanksgiving.. these are amazing.. I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating together..

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you dear friend!

    I'm suppose to be painting....but......great cards! Love the DP, love the square shape of the card (nice contrast to the rounded pumpkins) and love the warm, fall colors! Great idea to whip up five of these - would sure make a nice gift set!

    Hope you're staying warm at the races. Beautiful day here today!

  12. Hope you had lots of turkey and all the fixings! Darling cards, my friend. You are on such a roll!!! Have to say I love those little chevrons. Great pumpkin patch! Bev

  13. Happy Thanksgiving friend :) These are fabulous. I love these plump pumpkin shapes!

  14. Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family!
    Your cards are darling. Love those pumpkins!

  15. Hi CM,
    Pop over to my blog and check out my 7 Days of Halloween Inspiration Winners post.


  16. Hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving with your family, C!! Happy birthday to your baby brother too. Hope he had a great day and fun with his buddies.

    Your cards, as always, are just totally adorable. I love the pumpkins so much!

    Congrats too on your win! Yay you!

  17. OHHHH! I hope you have a fab time with your family for Thanksgiving!!!! Take pics of your niece/nephew! I get to see mine this week (Thursday-Sunday)!!! I can't wait!

    Happy belated birthday to your brother! Hope he enjoyed your special day:) Psalm 118:24

    LOVE all of these! I can't believe you made so many! I can barely make one card in a setting:) LOL! LOVE the little pumpkins!!! Congrats on your win-- you are amazing <3

  18. Thank you so much for your super sweet comments, you're too kind you know! Now it's my turn to ask you to make some more cards please!!! I look forward to seeing them! ;)

  19. PS- I am sorry I haven't visited you much lately, super slammed but I will I promise! Love to see your stuff!

  20. mmm. I love pumpkins. Scrumptious cards! Thank you SO much for joining in my Pumpkin Challenge over at My Creative Time!
