
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Happy Halloween once again...MFTWSC #147

My Halloween cards only diet continues for another day or so - need to make sure my spooky-themed products get their pre-October 31st moment on stage.  Quick share this morning with my entry into MFTWSC #147,

Goal for "soon" - improve photo quality, or at least remember to take pictures in daylight. 
Sheesh! My ghost is white!!

Thanks so much for dropping by; your visit and comments are always welcome!


  1. Love that background paper...super fun! awesome rosette and love that cute ghost!

  2. How cute is this??!!! I can tell your little ghostie is white, really. And I love everything about your card! From the rosette to the dp on your base, the little spook, your stitched flag and circle... This is just perfect. Seriously fun card, Carol!!! Love my's helped with lighting tremendously. One of my "soon" goals, is to buy a good that'll Bev

  3. Seriously?!! This could NOT be any more awesome! I LOVE this card - SO much!! It all came together just so perfectly! The ghost peeking out to say hi is ADORABLE! And the centre piece, with the sweet pumpkin in the middle is ahhhhhh-mazing! You knocked this one waaaaaaay out of the park!!!

  4. Fabulous attention to detail Carol! Your ghost (white as far as I see it) is so spooky cute, peeking out from that AMAZING layered rosette! Sweet DP too! Shannon called it - grand slam with this pretty!

    Nice to hear that you are making progress on your H'ween diet...I have to go like a crazy woman today to catch up!!!

  5. What a stunning rosette, Carol ... made all the more perfect with the cute spook popping up behind it and the sweet pumpkins in front! This diet of yours is suiting you sooo well! Anita :)

  6. Oh too cute! Love how you used the sketch, Carol!
