
Friday, July 26, 2013

Summer Camp Week 3 Day 5 - Home....and Home Stretches...

Suddenly, it’s Friday, our holidays are over (sort of…more on that for another post J), and the week has been a whoosh-of-a-fast one!!  Actually, plenty accomplished (do substantial hours in the car count as any sort of ‘did it’ feat?) that include:

Leaving Bend, after dragging me out, kicking and screaming, and 12 hours later arriving at my in-laws’ in Kelowna where we spent another heat-infused Tuesday. My mother-in-law was an outstanding hostess, as always, ensuring we were dined and wined exceptionally well.  My father-in-law, the poor dear, has been living in a seniors’ care home for just over a year (sad+++), however, he looks great and our visits with him were as wonderful as they can be. He continues to recognize us and even if we’re not always sure what the conversations are about, he’s still able to chat up a storm!  Our trip also coincided with the season of ripe cherries, peaches, pears; love those orchards!! And maybe I snuck in a wee spree to the sweet scrapbooking store, Ever After, where a couple of Memory Box dies were calling my name. Must heed those calls…

Wednesday, we re-packed and headed for home, to significantly cooler temperatures and an ‘empty’ house!  My brother’s family, with in-laws in tow, had fallen behind schedule with their holiday excursion, as the two little ones were dealing with colds in the earlier part of the week.  They did manage to escape city-life yesterday, picking up on the ‘second stage’ of their trip, where they’re staying at a water-slide + indoor playground hotel in Banff, a mere 10 miles from our place.  Yipppeee!! While I missed having them here, having them near is a 100% fantastic alternative.  

Thursday:  Highlight of yesterday is pretty obvious: trip to Banff, time with the kids!  The candy store was a hit; huge, gigantic hit!  Leaving a couple of sugar-rushed little cutie-patooties with their mom and dad, as well as grammy and grampy , to deal with was toooo funny (snicker x 1,000!!). 
Friday: trip to Calgary with my husband to run a couple of errands, back home now for a brief stop (post opportunity), then to Banff for my kidlet play time…

On to the cards I made yesterday:  oh, but they were a challenge, from the colours (light/dark brown, light/dark purple, aqua) to the sketches!  On one hand, excellent to do the ‘stretch’; on the other, hmmm….toughies indeed!  Bonus on both though:  using new stuff! On stage – a  couple of L’il Inkers yummies:  chevron die (need more practice, but oh, the possibilities…), connected circles + diamond stamps, as well as…drum roll….new distress markers, which I used to colour on the diamond stamps in the second card.  Colour. Huff. Stamp.  Lovely ease; still, need more practice, as I’m definitely a novice stamper…then on to using them to watercolour, because I have H20 brushes now, too!  New products means only one thing: more crafting must happen!! And I’m definitely game!!

Anyway…here they are:

(inspired by Sarah Moerman, whose cards featured a cut die-cut background for  a 
fun look; not sure mine constitutes 'fun' but it was certainly a new direction...

Some forgotten patterned paper found; distress markers for the stamps (slightly crooked...grrrr) and a bit of playing with the thanks die..

Thanks for dropping by; please let me know you did! Your comments brighten my day immensely!


  1. Great cards! I just got that coverplate in the mail-- I hadn't thought of using it that way, but it looks fabulous! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Glad you made it home safe, Carol, even if you are in and out of the place like it has a revolving door! So nice that you get to see the kids, though, and so worth it.

    You did a great job on the tough class and it seems like you are defo still hauling in the NBUS! Well done on turning around and using schtuff right away! I got in this NBUS mess at the Playhouse because I put everything away when I get it and then forget I have it. Being on my mission has been fun - like getting the product new all over again!! Keep on buying and keep on inspiring us with how you showcase your new toys. It's fun to see you learn and evolve with your card art!!

  3. How beautiful!! I LOVE the way you used the cover plate in the first card. SO COOL!!!

  4. Loooooving these, Carol!!! And cardS, plural!! You rocked the colour combo. Man oh man, I had a rough go with them. I did manage to squeak that one out for my Mom, but HOLY it took me forever! The graphic look of the first card is so cool and perfectly executed. My absolute fave part of the second, is how you filled the loop of the "k" with the darker cardstock, used the same colour for some, and left the loop of the "t" blank! Awwwwe-some!! And distress markers - um, I think you are an expert already!
    So glad you made it back home safe and sound, and extra glad you got to spend time with the kiddos! I'm sure you are still beaming from all the fun you had with them!!!

  5. Okay, I meant to say ...left the loop of the "h" - the "H" blank!!! Not the T!! GOOD GRIEF!!

  6. So neat that you get to see family fairly often it sounds like. I wish I'd made more effort when my nieces & nephews were small. We've gotta make it to Banff one of these days. You are NOT a novice & I'm always amazed at your wonderfully creative cards! I especially love the first one--can't tell it was a struggle for you!

  7. Ok, back. Tried to comment on this earlier but my durn kid wanted attention! Lol, luv her! These are so striking, especially the first with the trendy patterns and awesome color combo! LOVE.

    Thanks for you kind comments on my blog as well. They truly made my day!

  8. Gorgeous, C! Just lovely. Are you loving the distress markers??
