
Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Doily of Flowers...TAWS #26

Quick post this morning to share my card for TAWS #26 challenge.  The oranges in the forefront, with the blue ruffled paper backdrop lead me flowers placed on a blue doily.  Fairly straightforward interpretation, even though arriving at the end result took a series of detours before finally coming together.  I had an idea, decided the idea wouldn't do full justice to the challenge or my TAWS stamps, went in another direction, wound up lost and making a mess, took some time for some positive action therapy (sweeping the floor...I do that often when I'm stuck or feeling frazzled.  I know, I know...odd behaviour.  A while back though, in "BC time" - before card-making - I was known to vacuum almost daily so this is a drastic improvement.  Now vacuuming is far less frequent...consumes valuable crafting time) and returned to the beginning, following through with the initial plan.  The only major difference - between the start and finish, a package of happy mail arrived, so one new stamp makes its debut here!  I'll leave you to guess which it is.

Here's the inspiration photo

and here's my card...


New stamps from TAWS joining my household!  I'm so looking forward to using them next week, once we return from visiting my famil; it's been a stretch since our last trip, and I'm excited.  Wait, make that EXCITED!  I'm packing a few craft supplies to make cards with my 3 year old niece.  How fun will that be!!

Thanks for dropping by, and please know that your comments are welcomed and appreciated, deeply.
Have a wonderfully bright and sunny day.

Before, our weather 'suggests' that spring has arrived, with temperatures reaching the mid-high teens (Celsius).  For the last couple of days, in the midst of cool air, gusty winds, cloudy days, my husband has still forged ahead with his outdoor bike training.  He's taking a much needed, much deserved day off today (working over the weekend when we travel - instructing a coaching course) to...wait for it...downhill ski! Hahahahahah...sorry, but there's something mildly  ironic about that...


  1. So many elements, but still the essence of CAS comes through. Nice pearls on the sweet little flowers, great use of dp, love the dotted swiss border, and all held together with a cute little doily. Nice! Bev

  2. what a darling bunch of blooms on your card, C! love:)

  3. Spring-like so you go skiing--really?! Hope it was fun. I love your flowers & your card--great use of the colors! Should be an adventure stamping with a 3yr old!

  4. Yup, totally know what you mean - sometimes you just have to walk away from it to allow the inspiriation to come in! And it looks like it came in in droves! Love this card, Carol! Those embossed polka dots complete the card just perfectly. (Why do I feel like there was must a Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire moment there?! ha ha!!). Tell me more about your new stamps when you can...I'm due to make another order - just waiting for this month's release to come out before I do. AND, have fun playing with your sweet niece...I don't know who is going to have more fun!!!

  5. me again! so excited that you won the giveaway over at TAWS...go check it out, my TAWS-loving friend:)

  6. Wow, I've just spent a few minutes looking at your fabulous card creations, I love your style and the bright colours you use! Hope you enjoy the his and hers class as much as I am going to. C x

  7. Yay! You have added a follow by e-mail feature! Now I won't miss any of your amazing creations!

    This is awesome! You have created a beautiful focal point on your card with lovely supporting touches (like the polka dot border) and still maintained the gorgeous clean and simple look.

    Hope you have a fabulous time visiting. Enjoy your crafty time with your niece...guaranteed to rocket you to the top of "The Most Fav Aunty" list!

    Will drop you an e-mail tomorrow :)
