
Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Simple Gesture...Muse #4

I was sooooo close to adopting a "bystander and admirer" stance with Muse #4 ("Who doesn't have purple or chartreuse patterned paper in their stash?"<hand up> Me!).  Then, in a phone call with my mom this week, she shared that one of my cousins recently became engaged (yep...Valentine's Day).  Before my card-making addiction passion arose, such an event might have been acknowledged with perhaps a brief enote, or, because most of my relatives are scattered hither and yon, no response at all.  Not so anymore!  I've come to the same 'thinking' that many of you - with your abundant creativity and expertise - possess:  those little pieces of art do matter!  My Muse card - straightforward as it is in following the elements of Therese's design - is a 'gesture' to let my cousin know how thrilled I am that he found his 'someone.'

Muse Inspiration:

My card:

Thank you for stopping by.  Oh yes, I've added 'purple and/or chartreuse patterned paper' to my shopping list.  Any recommendations?  Much appreciated!

Darn, missed entering because I didn't pay attention to the time difference.  That's okay, because now I'll be better dialed in to *see* you next week!!

Have a wonderful Saturday...



  1. You are a brave girl to tackle those colours! Much braver than I, who took the "bystander and admirer" route! Those are tough colours to work with and you did a beautiful job of combining them. Your cousin and his fiancee will just love it! That darn time difference though! I've succumbed to that on a few occasions myself...sigh. But I know you're just like me - recipient first, challenges second :)

    Hope you get a chance to make more cards this weekend. That challenge bug is a hard one to shake ;) I've taken full advantage of my quiet Saturday and made a couple already today. TAWS and CAS(E) challenges are checked off the list. I'm off to find another one to play with :)

    Bye for now,

  2. Hello!

    What a treat to have to emails today :) I have done that before where I thought I had posted a comment. It's so easy to do. I think that because the comments are generally at the bottom of the screen, sometimes you don't even see the "robot identfier" hiding further down off the screen! I'm trying to figure out how to turn that off in the settings. There just be a way ;) I'll let you know if I find out!

    I think you made excellent choices for your PS stamps! Yes, it's true, when the options are many, the decisions can be tough to make! But you get an A+ from me ;) The beauty of the PS and TAWS stamps are that you can truly gear them toward anyone. Even though the cards you make with the PS stamps will be LOVED by your niece and nephew, recipients of any age will love them too!

    I also think your choices were well made being that your ink colour supply is a bit limited ;) Something to think about: since we haven't won that lotto (yet!), you may want to consider giving up a stamp set or two on your wish list, and put that money toward some different coloured inks. You only need a few...maybe a red, pink, blue, yellow. It can really make a difference - especially for any sets that have more solid (as opposed to) outlined images.

    Having said that, I do LOVE the Space Cadets and the Flap Happy sets as well. Hmmm, inks? stamps? Decisions, decisions! Maybe pick one of each for now, and when your budget allows, do one of each again?!

    As for dies, I don't use them...because I haven't invested in a die cutting machine yet! I've thought about it. But haven't takent the leap! You'd mentioned in one of your previous posts that you found fussy cutting therapeutic - I find the same :) It just relaxes me to sit and cut! So for now, I'm happy to do that. I know there are some images that I really would be better off, but maybe when I get that winning lottery ticket!!

    Paper: I use a mixture of both. I have SO much of it. I used to buy it by the truck loads! The amount I built up is really quite ridiculous! With a very few exceptions, I don't buy it at all anymore - I NEED to use up what I've got.

    And don't worry about those "why did I buy that" purchases! We've all make those ;) And sometimes, when you least expect it, you might find you use them!

    Have a wonderful time with your niece and nephew! And enjoy your week off! Oh, and can I just say I know you ARE an amazing teacher - you are the epitomy of what a teacher should be - kind, thoughtful, refreshing, fun, supportive...I could go on and on!! Even though you may have resigned, I think it is, and will forever be in your I right?!

    Have a good night and if you have a sec, have a look at my post for today - it's dedicated to someone special ;)

