
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Happy Anniversary (for my husband)...Addicted to Stamps and More Challenge #207~Make Your Mark, CAS(E) this Sketch #185, The Heart Desires Challenge #3, Just Us Girls #356~Trend Week: Watercolour


My fabulous DT and I welcome you to Addicted to Stamps and More Challenge #207~Make Your Mark.  Bring out your paints, pencils, crayons, markers - whatever tools and devices you have - to 'make a mark' on your project.  So many possibilities...

Guess what I did?  Watercolour! I Did. So!! Look what my Distress markers and I created:  an anniversary card for my husband.  We'll be celebrating FIVE years later this month (married later in life...I was a 'mature' bride *grin*).  And yes, I am very incredibly happy to be 'stuck' with him!

Apologies for the rather ''muted' photo, but after a zillion twists and turns with trying to get 'decent' lighting, this is the best I could manage for a stand-up pose.  Below is the same card, laying flat.

NOTE:  Thrilled and honoured to be selected as an Honourable Mention over at The Heart Desires! THANK YOU!!

Just as a side note: we had a very small wedding - 19 people.  My brother was my 'maid of honour' and my husband's brother, his best man.  Three guys and girl: that's our wedding photo..

My design was inspired by oh-so-creative Leigh's CAS(E) this Sketch #185

and the idea for images came from The Heart Desires Challenge #3 photo inspiration (plants and metallics - the gold beneath the row of x's and o's - are my element choices). I love cacti and I love my husband so..winning combination all around! In fact, one of my favourite places, back when we used to travel to Tucson, AZ, is the cactus forest at Saguro Natural Park.  Such a fascinating place...we need to plan another visit...

Because I actually 'did' watercolour, I'm also joining Just Us Girls #356~Trend Week: Watercolour

Your turn!  
What "Make Your Mark' creativity will you bring to the ATSM gallery this week? 
Looking forward to finding out!  

For even more incentive, *you* could be the winner of 2 digi stamps from our generous sponsor:  STAMPlorations. Enticing, right?

Thank you for spending part of your day with me; your visit brings me joy!


  1. So sweet! Happy Anniversary! Thought you were going to share your wedding picture... ;)

  2. great used the sketch
    LOVE the pot and the idea
    lovely heart in Gold
    great card miss C
    see you around teamie

  3. This is sooo beautifully colored, so gentle and sof. I love it!

  4. Congrats on your 5 year anniversary, super male anniversary card. They are so difficult to come up with good ideas for! :)

  5. Congrats on your anniversary!! Such a fun happy card! :)
    Suchi xx

  6. Carol what an amazing card, I totally love that little bit of stencil blending and the gold shining through the xo's and then the water coloured succulents. Every time I see the stamp set I think to myself, why would you want those. Then I see a beautiful card like yours and that why I should get those..

  7. Happy Anniversary!!! Love this card....there is so much to it, but still remains so clean in design. The extra pop of gold is a wonderful surprise!
    Susan - ATSM teamie

  8. Gorgeous card, Carol! You did an amazing job watercoloring. And stenciling and card designing. Wonderful pop of gold, too. What a sweet little wedding story. Happy Anniversary! So happy for you reaching the milestone. Hugs!! :)

  9. Happy Anniversary to you and your DH, congratulations dear girl!
    I love your card it is absolutely gorgeous! Your coloring or painting is perfect, Carol!

  10. Wow! Such a gorgeous card! Love your water colored cacti, and a very Happy Anniversary to you! Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls!

  11. Look at your FABULOUS water coloring! I just knew you had it in you! Perfect card for all the challenges! Thanks for joining in at JUGS too. Happy Anniversary also~

  12. Happy Anniversary to you and hubby!! This card is a wonderful and sweet design for it too!! :) I think you've done a really amazing job with your watercolor!! I just love this Carol! HUgS

  13. Hey Happy Anniversary!! FIVE years wonderful! and it sounds like the house was PACKED! with love : )

    This is an adorable anniversary card! I love the coloring you did on your sweet little succulents!


  14. Oh, this totally makes me smile, Carol! Wonderful take on the sketch!

  15. Sorry if this is a duplicate idea where the first one went!

    19 people at your my opinion, THE perfect way to celebrate!

    Sweet card and FABULOUS watercoloring! Love, love, love the glimmery wee heart and the SWEET x's and o's!

  16. Happy Anniversary, Carol! I love how you watercolored your succulents, and the gold heart is the perfect touch! Fabulous take on the sketch, too :)

  17. This is just gorgeous! Love the soft colors and the touch of gold!

  18. I just got my hubby's card made as we're about to celebrate #38 & I wasn't a very young bride--getting old! Your card is so perfect & beautifully watercolored, Carol!

  19. Happy Anniversary Carol!!! Congratulations on 5 years, many many more my friend!! Beautifully coloured succulents and I just bet he loved this card not only for it fabulousness, but because you made it for him! xo

  20. Happy anniversary!! I'm glad that you're glad you're stuck!! Your watercoloring is wonderful - you got fabulous dimension in your little plants.

  21. DEE-lightful! Love your soft touch. And Happy Anniversary to the love birds.

  22. SUPER Lovely!!!!!! LOVE how you combo'd the challenges!!! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us at The Heart Desires!!!!

  23. Sweet and very beautiful, Carol! Just LOVE the sentiment, so appropriate :). Happy (very belated) Anniversary!

  24. love the layout and the soft colors Carol! Thanks for joining us at THD!

  25. Carol! This is awesome! The watercoloring is perfect-o! Thanks for joining us at The Heart Desires!

  26. Great job! I love the composition and your detailing on the side! Cheers to alternative weddings and being an older bride-- older and wiser and all the better for it I am sure! Congrats to you and your guy, and to your stunning creation! Thanks for joining us at THD!! Come back in September!
