
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

You are Spooktacular....Addicted to Stamps and More Challenge #203~Holiday, CAS(E) this Sketch #181, AAA Cards Game #69~One Stash Favourite, The Paper Players #304~Watercolour


Hope you're having a great week! I understand that many of you experiencing swelter-fest temperatures at the moment.  Wanna do some 'trades'? I'll send some of our rain, clouds, winds and cool temperatures, in exchange for some of your heat (not all....just some), your sunshine and your breezes?  Deal? Deal!

Anyway, today, my DT and I welcome to Addicted to Stamps and More Challenge #203~Holiday

Evidently, the 'cool' weather conditions have shifted me into thinking about Fall, and in so doing, to one of my favourite "holidays": Halloween!  I'm absolutely smitten with Halloween images, which is rather curious, given we don't "celebrate" the event, aside from doling out treats to the kids who come our way. Just something about cutie-patootie Halloween stamps/dies makes me smile...and I do wind up making oodles of Halloween tags/mini cards for my niece and nephew, as well as their classmates and daycare pals, as well as their teachers.  I mean, who doesn't like a hug from a sweet 'mummy' now and then *grin*

Here's my inspiration card for the challenge, which follows wonderful Leigh's layout over at CAS(E) this Sketch #181:

Yes, I 'deliberately' made this smooshy, sprinkly-ish panel for my little dude, who I then gently, gently barely-any-water painted with the same distress inks (Wilted Violet, Carved Pumpkin and Mowed Lawn).  He needed a pal, so along came a spider...and you know the rest...

Now, it's your turn! 
Looking forward to seeing your Holiday-themed creativity in the ATSM Gallery!

Also sharing at:

AAA Cards Game #69~One Stash Favourite (Halloween-themed images)

Thank you for spending time with me today;  your visit brings me immense joy!


  1. Oh, this is so fun, Carol! Great take on the sketch!

  2. Your card is adorable, and I love the inking on your center panel. Yes--I will send you some sun and heat in exchange for clouds and rain.

  3. Such an adorable card! I love your colours and the design is lovely. He is very cute and I can see how he is one of your favourites. Thanks for playing along with us at AAA Cards!

  4. Super adorable, but not at all spooky....what shall I say instead - spooktacular!!!

  5. and the poor little fella can't even scream!! Love your swooshing and your colours.......a real cute card!

  6. and the poor little fella can't even scream!! Love your swooshing and your colours.......a real cute card!

  7. What a fun card Carol and I love that background - the colours are perfect!

  8. Oh goodness, this is so creepily fantastic! I mean I hate to be excited about a little thing being "mummified," but this is so dang cute! I adore your smooshy panel. Great effect with the wonderful Halloween-y colors. Such a fabulous card, Carol. Thanks so much for sharing. Sorry to hear your full enjoyment of summer is being thwarted by rainstorms! Hope they blow away soon. We are in our monsoon season, which means storms in the afternoon, but more humidity than usual. Yuck on the humidity, but yay on the possibility of rainbows! :) Hugs!

  9. So very cute! I love that spider :)

  10. Very fun CAS card, Carol. I love the inky panel. Thanks for playing along at AAA Cards. :)

  11. You're right there is something completely compelling about Halloween images and cards and like you I have a bag of sweets but don't really take part in the celebrations. Love your card. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards.

  12. Shucks! sometimes my computer flubs up and my comments aren't "sticking" I commented yesterday on your BEAUTIFUL!! ... let me get this right...

    smooshy, sprinkly-ish panel

    : ) Awesome take on that sketch!


  13. Your little mummy is so dang cute all decked out in his purple and green mummy wrap! Sweet layout - love the inked panel. The cute little spider steals the show!

  14. So are you saying Little Miss Muffet is all wrapped up? LOL! Super cute take on the sketch, Carol. Right down to that little spider!

  15. Gorgeous card. Love the smooshy panel. And the images are so sweet.

  16. Wow, this is adorable. Great take on our watercolor challenge. Thanks for joining the Paper Players this week.

  17. I love that background strip Carol, the little mummy is so cute too. :)

  18. I am not afraid looking at your card
    it is so cuuuteeee
    sweet idea for holiday card Carol
    sorry just visit you
    my mom come at 25 July till 20 sept I am busy prepare and cooking hehe
    happy sunday

  19. Oh my gosh, Carol...your background is AMAZING! What a great effect for a Halloween card, and perfect for your mummy! Fun card!

  20. Oh my goodness Carol, this is soooooo adorable!!! I love your smoothed background and matching colors on your mummy. Too cute. What a great interpretation f the sketch. I love Halloween cards too. Hard to imagine it getting on time for them to come out of the stash!!!

  21. Love the background--super cute card, Carol!
