
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Flourish-y Christmas Bells...Merry Monday #128~Polka-dots and/or Stripes, The Cutting Edge Challenge #11, My Perfect Life~Festive 48, Week 39

Happy Sunday!

The cycling meetings yesterday went well, and the Dark Knight cyclo-cross race was sensational!  We managed to get placings for all 275 riders, over the course of the four races offered, and that's rather a 'feather in our officiating' caps, given that the last two races, with the largest fields, were in the dark. Yayyy for floodlights to help us see riders' numbers and our scoring sheets.  We didn't get home until after 11, had a very late supper (reminds me of those long-ago university days when we went out for pizza in the wee hours of the morning) and tumbled (or rather stumbled) into bed, exhausted.  Another race is on tap today, which we're not attending; can't help but wonder how the 'celebrating' riders will be feeling. I suspect the laps will be rather slow.  Too funny!

Before heading to my corner of the kitchen counter to craft, I'm sharing a card for Merry Monday #128~ Polka-dots and/or Stripes

The Cutting Edge Challenge #11, where Melania's card offers us wonderful inspiration to draw from:

and Marina's My Perfect Life Festive 48, Week 39 Challenge.

My 'new' distributor is quite the 'enabler', but she also considers herself as a 'bargain hunter', which she passes along to her customers.  I can say, in all honesty, that when I was reaching for 'one' thing that may have leaned towards the 'pricey' side, she offered alternatives that were less expensive and, in most cases, offered more flexibility and versatility than my initial selection. Something she introduced me to - and very new to me - was the Tattered Lace magazine, which includes a free die, several sets of designer papers, a plethora of ideas for using the accompanying die as well as showcases for other Tattered Lace dies. The price for this 'bundle' is quite reasonable, especially in comparison to buying the dies on their own.

The dies on the 10 magazines she currently carries are gorgeous, They're quite intricate, delicate and detailed; some more so than others. Because I lean towards more 'simplistic' cards, my attention.was drawn to a couple that offered possibilities in that direction. One was a flourishy set of bells.  I finally gave them a go yesterday, before we went to the races and oh cuts wonderfully and is incredibly pretty! I've used it here as a Christmas bell, but it could be used for other occasions. Not only that, but the magazine includes several ways of snipping away bits of the die cute to create a more simple bell garland, a single bow...many possibilities and yep, I'll be exploring some for sure. This card: super duper quick and easy to make.

Anyway, before the gallery at Merry Monday's my card. I used shimmery foil AC paper, along with the MFT dots die...

Thanks so much for dropping by; your visit and comments add sparkle to my day!


  1. love the dots die makes for a great background and the shiny bell is just perfect for Xmas-have a fun week ahead x

  2. Oh so lovely and shiny bells..very pretty and love the green dots.....great combination!

  3. This is traditional Christmas goodness - so pretty! Thanks for joining us this week at Merry Monday!

  4. Very pretty! I love the shiny bells and the dots. Thank you for joining us this week at Merry Monday1

  5. This is so nicely done! I really like those pretty bells on the card!

  6. Very beautiful, shimmery Christmas cards in more traditional colors! Can't wait to see what else you do with that pretty die!

  7. Gorgeous!!! Love that bell die!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Merry Monday.

    Deanne :)

  8. C - this is so breath taking!! The combination of the shimmer, shiny paper and that gorgeous bells die is BEAUTIFUL!! I do see what you mean about clipping here or there to get a different look! But I love how you did the dots on the side and the traditional colors are perfect for this card!! I am super impressed that you were able to squeeze this in!! I am also glad that you survived your weekend and Kudos to you for being so involved and living life to the fullest!! I really do think you are an incredible individual - the more I learn about you the more there is to love, and be amazed by!! Thank you for being YOU and making me want to do more with my life!! We went to the lake yesterday and had such a great time with our kids - so awesome to be out in nature, it was a truly beautiful day!! Enjoy and know you are admired!!

  9. My goodness, but that bike racing keeps you very busy Carol! You are such a good wife doing all you do for hubby when he races. The things we do for our me!! lol Glad that they got placings for all the riders! And floodlights so you could see the riders?!! Gosh I hope the riders could see!!! That just amazes me, this world of bike racing amazes me! Now onto the card magazines and the free dies, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! A free die? What is this magazine and how do I get my hot little hands on it?! I am so in love with your card Carol, that die is simply gorgeous and to think it was free in the magazine just blows my mind. I love the dots die, and your traditional colors on this beautiful Christmas card. Hugs, Brenda

  10. SAY WHAT? A magazine called Tattered Lace that comes with dies? So I'm thinking that I must be living under the same rock as you! Will be doing a google search momentarily!

    This card is absolutely beyond gorgeous! I seriously CANNOT believe how clean the die has cut this intricate design! The shiny paper totally sells the image! The shimmery green paper plays the perfect supporting role for those hum-dinger bell!

  11. Great use of your die cuts, stunning CAS design. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday.

  12. Oh my, this is fun! Love that die!

  13. This is so cool, I love that intricate die :)

  14. Awesome card! Your cards are so awesome enough to tryout for Teams!! You just need more confidence!!

  15. Oh my goodness that die is amazing!! How intricate and beautiful! And I can see so many possibilities as far as cutting things apart! I think you made a wise buy there! Your card is just lovely! I love the cut out dots along the side. Just what it needs for the perfect balance! So pretty!! ((Hugs))

  16. That die is stunning & so gorgeous done in that paper! Wish we could go shopping together, my friend!

  17. Striking card Carol - love the combo of the die cut with the punched holes.
    Thanks a lot for joining in with my Festive 48. Hope you can link up again next week. Marina

  18. Wow that is one detailed die!! Great way to spotlight it on your card with the polkadot background!! Super awesome card!!!

  19. Congratulations to your team! Great accomplishment. :) And yay for a helpful enabler. haha Love this die - it is gorgeous! Another beautiful C card! :)

  20. Lovely, Carol ... such yummy traditional colours and yep, the die is amazing ... so pretty and intricate! Anita :)

  21. I have to agree with the rest of your comments...stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, yummy,lovely, breath taking, striking...should I go on?

  22. Very stylish, Carol, so cool with dies!

  23. wooowww I see that challenge too but I know I have no die cut machine also PASS for me I cant join and I am so happy to see you join that challenge and your card WOOOOWW ADORABLE..can not tell anything I agree with all ladies above me told...Great card Carol as always...this is very festive too...hugs, Monika

  24. I honestly don't think my vocabulary has any words to describe the sheer awesomeness of your card. I mean, could this card be any more wonderful and your combination of the green shimmering through the little circles and the shimmery red of the bells be anymore perfect? Of course I also, like many other of your readers, immediately googled for that magazine. If it has dies like this I need to have it :-)

    And I'm glad to hear that the entire racing thing turned out to be a wonderful experience. I honestly can't imagine using flashlights to see you while I'm driving my bike. Maybe that is because I also managed to ride against stuff in broad daylight :-)

  25. Eeek! Ok, first, congrats on your success at the Dark Knight!! BTW what an awesome name for a cyclo race...sounds so mysterious!! And we must talk about that die!!! Jiminey Crickets I am in love! Chin.dropped. The intricacy is phenomenal and what a beautiful focal point it creates!!! Your enabler is certainly enabling you well!!! Don't let her go!!!
