
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Zoo Crew Hello...Paper Smooches SPARKS: Anything Goes, Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog: Something New

Happy Saturday evening!

The critters – or whatever they are – glitching up my internet connection continue to make their presence known today.   Bizarre comes to mind, because the "can do/can’t do" is quite selective.  Emails received and posting are do-able;  posting comments – hit-and-miss, or rather, write and not stick…grrr (at least I got smart and started cutting/pasting them to a word document before pressing send,  just in case);  send emails – x.  So, once again, I’m here, my wonderful friends, thinking of you, with my stash o’comments  at the ready, waiting distribution as soon as the doodads connect with the doo-hickeys…

Although I wasn’t feeling totally up to par today (improved as the day went on - in fact, I'm ready for Saturday night pizza!), I decided to take *serious* action in my efforts to lure Mr. Mojo back home.   My strategy: pull out some new goodies and just play.  When you see my cards, you’ll know exactly what I mean:  some whimsy, some cutie-patooties, some just plain ‘fun’ cards, heading to my niece and nephew when my husband heads north for a meeting on Wednesday. So, Mr. Mojo...take that!  I want you to come back, but if you're planning on taking your sweet time, well...we'll just carry on (sort of) without you!

Making their debut *drum roll*…Paper Smooches Quotes Tag Die (which I turned into mini cards by not cutting though the folded  edge), Zoo Crew dies, Reflections flower dies. I even pulled out my HUGE collection of Copics (all 12 of  them) to do a bit of alligator colouring.   I was tempted, recently, to get a few more, but after watching several of Jennifer McGuire’s videos, the prismacolor pencils seem more in my ability – and $$ - range.  What I really need are inks, inks and INKS and that’s next on my splurge shopping list. 

As you’ve guessed Paper Smooches SPARKS: Anything Goes one destination, 

Hope these make you smile!

Thanks so much for dropping by; your visit and comments make my day!  Hope everyone is safe, warm and cosy this evening!!


  1. You sure showed that Mojo guy that you mean business! I'd be telling him to pack his bags cuz Ms. Mojo is in the house.....and crafting up a storm!

    Totally "Cutie Patootie" delights! Your coloring is amazing - beautifully shaded gator! Of course, your designs totally rock again! And the tag/card idea....beyond clever! Another fine example of a resourceful crafter extraordinaire!

    The zebra looks fabulous paired with the funky triangle DP. Love how you varied the curve of the 'hello' sentiment....another cleverly creative touch!

    Yep, the wee ones will be delighted once again with Aunty C's creations!

  2. Well I think you mojo is back, these are soooo cute!!

  3. Carol your mojo is back, although I believe it never really left. Your critter cards are so cute and I hope that SNP (Sat night pizza) was yum!

  4. Ka-boom, blat, sploof ... take that Mr Mojo ... you showed him, Carol! These are so sweet ... little Miss and Mr will be so happy to have them! Hope those glitches are soon on their way! Anita :)

  5. awwww...super fun! Love your taglet cards!
    Internet stuff is so frustrating, eh? Hang in there!

  6. You are the master of tagness! I love these. The flowery zebra is my fave :)
    Doodads and doohickeys...hard to know what they're gonna do at any time

  7. These are just the most adorable little things I have EVER seen - SO TAKE THAT MR. MOJO! Who needs him, anyway! You sure don't if you're making these sweet, cutie patootie, steal my heart little numbers without him! Kick him to the curb, I say!!! Don't worry, he'll come back, begging and pleading for you to give him another chance!! Ha ha!!! Eeek, just scrolled up for another look - seriously, SO adorable! Top 5? Yes, yes and YES!! Alligator card: your Copic colouring - perfect! Adding the big butterfly to highlight the expression in his eyes - priceless!! And the zebra card: OH MY! Simply sa-weeeeet! The flowers are perfect - and all in the right places. A little bling to the centres and va-va-voom - pure awesomeness!!!!!!!!
    And thank YOU so much for all of your comments (giant smile on my face!), and gigantic thank you for the one you left for Lyshie - YOU ARE THE BEST!!! Hopefully this means the computer problems have been kicked to the curb, right next to that Mojo guy!! xo

  8. HATE computer/internet gremlins!!! Crossing my fingers that they go away and never visit you again! Your cards, are so sweet. I'm sure the little ones will be thoroughly enchanted by these cards. Great colors, great designs, and it's easy to see all the love that went into these. : ) Bev

  9. Cute tag cards. Fun!!!Thanks for playing along with us at Paper Smooches Sparks Challenge.

  10. Darling critters and love the hello die! think your mojo burned out on the tags LOL! Cheers to a fabulous 2014 and one in which you will have lots of new ink pads :)

  11. Such happy cards! Thanks for sharing them with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Chalenge! And I hope that the gremlins go away soon!

  12. Yeah for Mr. Mojo! But to be honest I have never seen you make a card that appeared to be lacking mojo. These are just too cute and those critters are so adorable, so clever too. Hope you are feeling better too, pizza can work wonders I hear. Take care!

  13. Absolutely made me smile, Carol! These are adorable! Looks to me like you were inspired by your new stuff!

  14. Oh how did I miss these cutie patooties?? These are adorable Carol! And I sure couldn't tell by your lovely work that your mojo was missing! Mine's playing hide and seek with me too right now. I'm hearing this a lot right now, so perhaps it's the after Christmas missing mojo season?? Anyway love your cards!!

  15. Yes, these do make me smile! Such sweetie pie tags. I don't see Mr. Mojo missing...he's right here with each and every one of your delightful creations!
