
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thinking of You...CAS(E) #29 and Case Study #142

As I mentioned in my previous post, our visit to my family was sheer delight.  We left early Sunday morning, destined for a bike race where we were officials.  My husband held reins as chief official, a position he handles often based on his skill and expertise in the sport, whilst I, along with four others, were designated to follow (we're in cars driven by the race organizer's volunteers) assigned categories of riders.  Often, I follow the women's groups, and feel much like a 'den mother,' herding my little cohort along the road, doing my best to ensure that they're riding safely as well as adhering to the 'rules' of racing. 

Over the several years that I've been an official, 99% of the races are relatively 'uneventful,' meaning that the riders race, a 'minor' crash may occur, but for the most part, everyone makes it to the finish upright, exhausted and typically none the worse for wear.  Other times, there's that .9% where something goes a bit more askew than is normal; perhaps a number of penalities handed out, or maybe some disqualifications - nothing tremendously extraordinary, and typically, more 'bruised egos' than anything else.

And then, there's that .1%, where bad things happen.  Sunday's race, sadly, falls into that realm.  Three riders were injured in two separate incidents, ironically meters apart from one another,  involving competitors from two different categories.  My husband was the 'voice of calm' in the midst of all that unfolded: ambulances, police, the road closure that ensued to accommodate STARS air ambulance's arrival, to transport those injured to the hospital, the decision to stop the race... No one likes to see people hurt; no one especially likes to see people they know, hurt.  In a nutshell, it really wasn't a good day for racing for three people...and their families, their friends, their teammates, and us - the  officials who come to know - and care - about these riders for their passion and dedication to the sport.  Our drive back home, as you can imagine, was clouded by the events of the day, and the 'unknown' of the riders' well-being.

A day's passing reveals that all three are on the mend; one is home, two remain in hospital.  Such news is great to hear, but we know that the healing will be a long process, especially since concussions are involved. My husband and I have talked about little else than the event; have thought about little else.  Preoccupied, indeed - and I suspect we will be for a while yet to come.

Yesterday, I decided to put the 'thinking' into a productive, positive process, all the while sending'good vibes' to the injured while doing so.  My "Thinking of You" card that resulted was inspired by the layout at
CAS(E) this Sketch #29

and the 'emotions evoked' by Maile's gorgeous card at Case Study #142
I didn't use a stunning flower, as she did (wish I had one to use...); rather, I was touched by the lightness and delicacy of her images.  I reached for my butterfly die; it just seemed 'right' given the circumstances.

Simple card, packed with a whole bunch of 'well-wishes'...

And, since I don't want to close on a sad nephew said "Aunty" on Saturday!  Woo hooooo!!!!!
Have a wonderful day - and I'm looking forward to plenty of blog-visiting today, to see what day-brightening, smile-making, spirit-lifiting creations you'll be sharing!!


  1. A beautiful card and various sentiments would work with your design.
    I hope the injured riders have a quick recovery.

  2. The accident must have been frightening for you and the other officials. Glad to hear they will recover. Your card is amazing, especially those butterflies. Cheery-perfect. Bev

  3. What a sad day. A couple docs I've worked with over the years are riders & even one of them was in a bad accident, but now completely recovered. Hoping the same will be true for these folks. You perfectly channeled your energy, Carol--a truly beautiful card I know will be greatly appreciated.

  4. OH MY! What a horrible experience on Sunday!!! I am praying that these three riders recover quickly!

    BEAUTIFUL card-- I'm loving those delicate glittered butterflies! I love those papers-- I think I've actually used this pad to create more than four cards! Normally I hoard it;) LOVE the diag and sketch for this card too!! You nailed it-- this card will def. cheer up a friend:)

    HOOOOOOORAY for your little nephew! It's always pretty amazing to hear them say your name for the first time-- and even still we are called Trabis and Sabannah (they can't say the Vs!!! LOL!)!!! <3

  5. Years and years ago, I dated a bicycle racer - and there was nothing worse than that metal on metal sound of two bikes tangling up. I've never seen anything truly bad - just road rash (although "rash" is a fairly tame sounding name for something that looks just awful) and dislocations. Although, looking back, I would bet there were concussions involved also - but 25+ years ago that wasn't the first thing anybody looked for.

    I do like the card that came out of your stressful weekend. Those butterflies are so delicate and absolutely comforting.

  6. So sorry to hear about the injuries at your bike race! I hope you've gotten even more good news after this post was written.

    Love your row of negative butterflies on the angle!

  7. Aunty, Aunty, Aunty!! It's music to the ears!!! I bet your heart was bursting with joy!!! And is most likely still tingling!! Nothing could be sweeter! And speaking of sweet - and gorgeous - um, this card is stunning. STUNNING!! So pretty and delicate, and just whispers kindness. The receipient of this card is going to feel so touched and loved. Lovely!!

  8. what gorgeous butterflies! They are perfect as inspiration :) So light and delicate! Thanks for playing with us over on CASE Study :)
