
Friday, June 26, 2020

Just Us Girls Challenge #542~Photo Week...Unicorn I Believe In You


Welcome to Just Us Girls Challenge #542,where lovely Angie has selected this beautiful sky/silhouette photo as this week's inspiration. Oh, to be sitting under those palm trees, watching the sun set...or rise...

Mugdha joins us with a beautiful card as her finale for being our designer this month. Thank you, Mugdha for your inspiration throughout June! Please be sure to visit her card, as well as those by my teammates: Sue, Angie, Vicki, Ina, Bobby, Nancy, Lisa, Maria and Cécile. If you have a chance to leave comments, that would be a real treat.

I decided for a 'different' approach to my card, focusing on the colours - in the order they appear in the photo - rather than the 'scene'. My 'purple' moon (yes, Mr. Google says that is a thing!) is flanked by orange/pink clouds; combined, they're the co-stars for the star-of-the-stage Unicorn. I've inked up this Visible Image unicorn before, but not the other images...such fun to give them a play for this challenge.

That's it from me!
Looking forward to seeing how the photo inspires you this week!

Thank you for dropping by!


  1. What a cool way to use the inspiration picture, Carol. So creative. I love your moon. It's gorgeous and your speckled/silhouetted unicorn. Wonderful card! Hugs!

  2. This is such a wow card, Carol! Gorgeous use of the images and the inspiration colours.

  3. Love you went a different direction from the photo -- this is fabulous

  4. That is why I love your cardmaking so much! You my dear are so versatile! Love the direction you took and your card is wonderful too!!

  5. I love how the photo inspired this awesome beauty! You are so creative!

  6. When you think out-of-the-box it helps others see the possibilities, Carol. I love your interpretation.

  7. Spectacular take on our photo Carol. Love how you always go outside the box for your amazing creations. Loving this one.

  8. Gorgeous card and colouring. You certainly have thought out of the box on this one! I love it. Thank you for the inspiration xxx
